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Wow, this is a good amount of scrap.

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  1. #1
    wdaddy started this thread.
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    Wow, this is a good amount of scrap.

    I'm glad there is no way I can handle this. 100 miles away and way to much.

    Fun to read. Lots and Lots of rules to this one.

    250,000 lbs of scrap. Unsorted. Buyer provides dumpster. Buyer cleans up all spills. Buyer has to mutilate everything before it leaves the post.... how do you do that when they are all in a dumpster and stacked on each other?

    No thanks.

  2. #2
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    Its a government thing thats why. I am choking on Red Tape as we speak because as of sept 1'st you cannot recycle utility polls or even utility looking polls because they might be "stolen" I came across 3 today abandoned and they are heavy heavy duty. Called some yards but no one will take without paperwork. I called the city and well It might be owned by them, might be owned by oncor, we have to send someone out to look and verify and blah blah blah. Over 1970's utility polls that they would not have known about otherwise...But if I show up at a yard with it its not legit without documentation. I mean really wtf....Over 20$ of iron maybe $100 if aluminum?

    I used to be excited about scrapping now I am wondering if its even worth the hassle anymore.
    Last edited by Junkernaut; 09-19-2011 at 03:41 PM. Reason: more information to story.

  3. #3
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    Let me know if the deal is still alive and I might be able to lock in the buyer and we get a comission. Jeff

  4. #4
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    Helijac again. Anytime when you come across large scrap deals and you are not big enough to handle it get a hold of me. I have some great buyers and they are always on the hunt for big jobs. So many of us scramble to find a buck with scrap. If you have friends you might ask them if in their circle of friends who work in manufacturing and might be tight with the person incharge of getting rid of their scrap. That is how I got my first break moving big time volume of copper. Again I state that there is a great chance I can get us a commission from the Buyers I know.

  5. #5
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Yeah those government deals can be a pain....We bought a surplus lot of police radios and radar systems recently....When we got there they gave us 4 receipts....The first one had to go to the gate guard, the second to the picker, the third to the person in charge of the warehouse, and they let us keep the fourth. I am guessing that the paperwork reduction act does not apply to government offices lol

  6. #6
    High Voltage Processing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdaddy View Post
    I'm glad there is no way I can handle this. 100 miles away and way to much.

    Fun to read. Lots and Lots of rules to this one.

    250,000 lbs of scrap. Unsorted. Buyer provides dumpster. Buyer cleans up all spills. Buyer has to mutilate everything before it leaves the post.... how do you do that when they are all in a dumpster and stacked on each other?

    No thanks.

    or mutilation must be witnessed and certified by DOD personnel at another facility.

    This is what the save is. I spoke to them about a wire buy once that had this and they said they will come to my facility to certify that I am not reselling it to China.
    Jim Dwyer
    President/Founder High Voltage Processing

  7. #7
    scrapprincess's Avatar
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    What do them mean by mutilation?

  8. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Probably dump it in a car crusher or big shredder.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  9. #9
    fiasco135's Avatar

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    Good luck getting the job.

    Last edited by Mick; 09-23-2011 at 01:53 AM. Reason: delete signature - advertising

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