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Escrap prices in European country

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  1. #1
    neon started this thread.
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    Lightbulb Escrap prices in European country

    I am fresh escraper and sorry for my newbie questions - but when I checked prices of a few local (Czech Republic) escrap buyers and compared them to yours (easyrecycles, boardsort etc.), they are much lower. I started to think, if it's good idea to ship bigger loads to the US?

    But actually, I would like to know, if it would be possible to start buying in a big way, for better prices than anyone here is offering?

    Please, do you have idea, where our local buyers could sell their escrap? Maybe they ship to US too? Or maybe it's totally opposite and you (from US) ship to Europe, maybe China? Sorry for stupid questions, I would just like to know, where to look for some business partners and I would like to understand the logic of this business.

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Torker from down under is buying up a bunch of escrap and I think he will be working a deal with Easy later on on large quantity's. Might be something to think about,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  3. #3
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    Yes I can work with you on getting them shipped here based on the amount of scrap that you have. Are we talking about a few pallets or a van or two here?
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  5. #4
    neon started this thread.
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    Not yet, sorry for misleading. I am just starting to ponder if I could base my business on much better prices than are available here. I am not sure, if shipping to US is the best option, I would need honest answers, maybe there's better place directly in my country, I don't know.

    Please, where do escrap buyers usually sell their stuff, if it's not total secret? I am interested in general logic, not direct contacts. Thank you.

  6. #5
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    Yes it would be a total secret kind of deal. But what I will say is this. Call the gold refineries there and see if they will buy it. Call a few high price metal brokers they may buy it to sell it to someone else.

    You just have to do what I do every day (or...just about every day) an thats burning on mins on my phones making the calls I need to. From talking with vendors every week to do price checks, calling my gold buyer to see where he is at (I watch the gold market all day...check it about 6 times a day at min) I do that on Monday morning.

    Then after that get right back on your phone when you know the prices are still good...and get the scrap rolling in an get all your ads up/started for that week.

    Its not takes alot of hard work...its a full time job

  7. #6
    neon started this thread.
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    Easyrecycle: that was excellent reply for me, thank you very much for sharing

    And btw, do you have any idea how much would palette shipping cost from the Czech Republic to you?
    Last edited by Mick; 09-23-2011 at 06:40 AM. Reason: Please don't refer to other industry forums

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by neon View Post
    Easyrecycle: that was excellent reply for me, thank you very much for sharing

    And btw, do you have any idea how much would palette shipping cost from the Czech Republic to you?
    It verys from the amount of pallets and the weight of the pallet. So me running the numbers wont be very helpful until I know what the weights and the amount of pallets.

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