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Contracting for cleaning out foreclosures

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    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    Contracting for cleaning out foreclosures

    Couldn't find a thread on this. I am looking at expanding my business. Recently got insurance, a trailer and am looking at hire someone on an as needed basis. My dad is sick, so I can't have him doing the bigger jobs. Been in contact with a few apartment complexes and have 2 locked up on contracts and getting paid $60 per clean out. (all appliances) I just have a few questions about getting the foreclosure contracts.

    Who would I contact to get the clean outs? Mortgage Company, Bank, or Realtor?
    What would be a decent rate charge? Base rate or size of the job?
    Contract time frame? any stipulations?

    Thanks Joe

  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I would think you would want to get in with the realtors. They 9 times out of 10 operate as the sellers agent for the mortgage companies and the banks. When your looking at forclosures I would make sure your costs for rolloffs and stuff are included in your contracts. When we were looking at houses in january this year we looked at alot of forclosures that could of easly filled a 30 yard rolloff with the ammount of trash that was left in them and outside in the yards.

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    Another potential for cleanouts is auctioneers.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I never have been impressed with the appearence of most of the folks that do clean-outs, so if you were to look and act like a pro I bet you would stay pretty busy once word gets out.
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  5. #5
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    Thanks Mick, would it be worth contacting the mortgage companies and or banks? KZ, The only thing I have left to order are T-shirts. A friend of my dad and mine has a printing company, they do everything you could imagine: B. cards, shirts, coffee mugs, pens, ect. We actually just picked up a fridge from his mother in law's who recently passed away. I am using him for all of my business related stuff.

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  6. #6
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperNJ26 View Post
    Couldn't find a thread on this. I am looking at expanding my business. Recently got insurance, a trailer and am looking at hire someone on an as needed basis. My dad is sick, so I can't have him doing the bigger jobs. Been in contact with a few apartment complexes and have 2 locked up on contracts and getting paid $60 per clean out. (all appliances) I just have a few questions about getting the foreclosure contracts.

    Who would I contact to get the clean outs? Mortgage Company, Bank, or Realtor?
    What would be a decent rate charge? Base rate or size of the job?
    Contract time frame? any stipulations?

    Thanks Joe
    I would charge more than just $60 to do a clean out unless your fees are nothing at all, or very, very little.

    Here, it took me a while to find a landfill that would take just about EVERYTHING, and for the majority of stuff, I just have to pay $60 a ton to dump.

    Also, be careful, because some foreclosure agents will get so many, that they might give you like 10 in 1 day...don't want to spread yourself thin, and look like you cant handle the work.

    I would definitely go for whatever has suggested. Sellers agents for the banks, realtors, property preservation companies, etc.

    This is how I got a few of mine.
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    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    I always keep things professional, appearance,demeanor, ect. When I was working I was a service driver for a towing company for 10 years. I did calls for AAA, Allstate, Geico and a lot more contracted companies. Flat Tires, Idiot Juice (oh I mean Gas lol), Lockouts and Jumpstarts. So as far as dealing with people I do quite well, Had to be nice and kiss some ***. I was pretty good lol. I was making between $400-$600 a week in tips beside my paycheck.

    I love doing hard work though, I like working with my hands, sweating and accomplishing stuff on my own. I was in school for HVAC and My dad once asked me, "why don't you work with computers and be in an office so you don't have to work so hard?" I told him that I couldn't deal with looking at a screen all day stuck in an office doing the same old boring stuff everyday.

  8. #8
    Mick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperNJ26 View Post
    Thanks Mick, would it be worth contacting the mortgage companies and or banks? KZ, The only thing I have left to order are T-shirts. A friend of my dad and mine has a printing company, they do everything you could imagine: B. cards, shirts, coffee mugs, pens, ect. We actually just picked up a fridge from his mother in law's who recently passed away. I am using him for all of my business related stuff.

    Mike Morrissey
    MPM Promotions
    888-444-4280 Toll Free
    Mortgage companies usually don't manage the properties they foreclose but you could contact them just to make sure. Not just foreclosed properties but houses that the State owns. When old people go into nursing homes, the state often takes the house to offset the cost. Find out who cleans out these houses and get in with them. There will often be cars and other vehicles to haul off. If you subcontract to the contractor, MAKE SURE there is an agreement as to your involvement - ie: labor. The main contractor may see you as free labor in exchange for whatever metal you get. You are in fact holding down his dump fees since he will pay these by weight. You could wind up working two or three days for half a ton of Light Iron.

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  10. #9
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperNJ26 View Post

    I love doing hard work though, I like working with my hands, sweating and accomplishing stuff on my own. I was in school for HVAC and My dad once asked me, "why don't you work with computers and be in an office so you don't have to work so hard?" I told him that I couldn't deal with looking at a screen all day stuck in an office doing the same old boring stuff everyday.
    I feel the same way. My investment company is primarily computer/internet, but luckily that all takes me 3 to 4 hours per day. I enjoy tearing things apart and see how it all works.

  11. #10
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I would charge more than just $60 to do a clean out unless your fees are nothing at all, or very, very little.

    Here, it took me a while to find a landfill that would take just about EVERYTHING, and for the majority of stuff, I just have to pay $60 a ton to dump.

    Also, be careful, because some foreclosure agents will get so many, that they might give you like 10 in 1 day...don't want to spread yourself thin, and look like you cant handle the work.

    I would definitely go for whatever has suggested. Sellers agents for the banks, realtors, property preservation companies, etc.

    This is how I got a few of mine.
    I have gotten REAL lucky with the complexes though, I just take the appliances which are all disconnected and out of the laundry area and kitchen usually in the living room. I don't do a full clean out of them (no trash) so I just basically charge them time and fuel. It takes me about 30 minutes at most to pull them out if upstairs. I like the flat rate though because there will never be any issues as to what I'm taking or not taking. I'll do this for this amount and that's it. The maintenance guys need something to do. Takes me about 10 minutes per machine to rip them down, so I think it's a pretty good arrangement for me. I live in a condo, so I run to my cousin's shop, rip stuff down real quick throw stuff in a big blue tote run to the yard and I'm done for the day. My dad strips the wire and tears down the motors and vacuum cleaners and stuff. He likes doing it so we split whatever I get in copper 50/50. He likes TV's after he actually really ripped one down. Lmao

  12. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    He likes TV's after he actually really ripped one down.
    Did you show him Hoss'es post where the TV jacked his a$$ up??? Just keep him grounded and he should be fine,,,
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  13. #12
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    He knows lol, He scrapped more stuff when I was little then I ever even knew about. He told me he got a flat in his truck once because he had 4800lbs in it. He said he asked my uncle to bring his D8 loader out to pick the back of the truck up so he could change it. I remember he had put a 1/8in steel plate in the bed of the newer truck he had so he wouldn't damage the bed. He was crazy when he was younger.

  14. #13
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    Landlords that own large quantities of homes and apartments would be a good place to start. There are several in this area and they are always looking for people to do clean outs for them. There are quite a few bigger landlords these days that are picking up houses for dirt cheap and they will always have a lot of move outs.

  15. #14
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperNJ26 View Post
    I have gotten REAL lucky with the complexes though, I just take the appliances which are all disconnected and out of the laundry area and kitchen usually in the living room. I don't do a full clean out of them (no trash) so I just basically charge them time and fuel. It takes me about 30 minutes at most to pull them out if upstairs. I like the flat rate though because there will never be any issues as to what I'm taking or not taking. I'll do this for this amount and that's it. The maintenance guys need something to do. Takes me about 10 minutes per machine to rip them down, so I think it's a pretty good arrangement for me. I live in a condo, so I run to my cousin's shop, rip stuff down real quick throw stuff in a big blue tote run to the yard and I'm done for the day. My dad strips the wire and tears down the motors and vacuum cleaners and stuff. He likes doing it so we split whatever I get in copper 50/50. He likes TV's after he actually really ripped one down. Lmao
    Yeah, I used not to charge at all for metal pickups, but now I do. Just depends on quantity and location for me, and how much actual work is involved from the time I arrive, till I leave.

  16. #15
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    I was doing some one township that is in my county about 10 miles (the furthest part of it is 13 miles away) there are 2,279 foreclosures alone. In my township there are roughly 1,100, could not find an exact number.

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