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Officially a small business

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  1. #1
    Junkernaut started this thread.
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    Officially a small business

    Well sorta.

    We picked up a 16foot brand new trailer the other day. Heavy duty dual axle.
    Business cards will be made Monday and sometime next week the registration of the DBA and tax id with the city/state. So much happening so fast!

    We can now start bringing in our 500$ loads instead of the 100-150 the truck bed is limiting us to. Ford f250 Super Duty Long Bed 5.4. We plan on combining our cash we make from a few cleaning jobs we are doing beginning next week (Monday S-26-11) And buying a few junk cars to make even faster cash scrapping.

    This is my full time job now. I have received 4 calls from CL about stuff and plan on trying to expand immediately to Apartment complexes and Real Estate agents. Trying to bring 2 cleaning jobs a day at 100$ a job or more X 6 days a week plus whatever scrap we get for free out of the jobs.

    I have no clue what the future holds but this is being my new career is certain..I started really like 2 weeks ago. My first load was 45$, then 60 then 72, then 118 now Monday will be 300+. I must keep making more to survive and would just like to share that the info on this website is a god send and I thank all the members who make it possible to know how to do a better job and make the most cash from scrapping.

    Thank you!

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    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Best of luck to you junkernaut...seems to me you have the right attitude and work ethtic to get it done.
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  4. #3
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    Why did you buy a brand new trailer? there are so many used trailers out there that you could of picked up.
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  5. #4
    Junkernaut started this thread.
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    The advantages of the new trailer were too many to pass it up.

    we only paid 1200$ for it. Its a custom home made trailer dual axle. We got a lock with it, a brand new ball hitch, and now 60 days to register. All the wiring was new and the wood is new. It has a gate that we have to weld on but that is not a big deal. It has 1 foot sides that we are coming back to get turned into angle iron top but will be 4 foot sides like a landscape trailer. this will be for both Safety and security of the loads. Tires are brand new.

    It was for both quality and also potential quantity of gaining new business because people respond better to clean things. My f250 I only bought really because its a dark blue with tint and its got Black rims with ford silver center caps so it looks like a color scheme or setup a business might use. When I throw the magnet on there next week on both sides of the doors and back windows there will be no denying that we have a REALLY clean looking truck and a solid clean looking trailer. So I get to look like I know what I am doing even though most of my life I have been utterly clue less haha! But image and perception is sometimes reality and when trying to attract new business in expensive neighborhoods perception is REALLY reality.

    thats why

  6. #5
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junkernaut View Post
    The advantages of the new trailer were too many to pass it up.

    we only paid 1200$ for it. Its a custom home made trailer dual axle. We got a lock with it, a brand new ball hitch, and now 60 days to register. All the wiring was new and the wood is new. It has a gate that we have to weld on but that is not a big deal. It has 1 foot sides that we are coming back to get turned into angle iron top but will be 4 foot sides like a landscape trailer. this will be for both Safety and security of the loads. Tires are brand new.

    It was for both quality and also potential quantity of gaining new business because people respond better to clean things. My f250 I only bought really because its a dark blue with tint and its got Black rims with ford silver center caps so it looks like a color scheme or setup a business might use. When I throw the magnet on there next week on both sides of the doors and back windows there will be no denying that we have a REALLY clean looking truck and a solid clean looking trailer. So I get to look like I know what I am doing even though most of my life I have been utterly clue less haha! But image and perception is sometimes reality and when trying to attract new business in expensive neighborhoods perception is REALLY reality.

    thats why

    You have got the right idea. However, one small suggestion I would make, is to get about 2 maybe 3 inch thick piece of steel and weld it on top of your wood floor of the trailer. Makes clean ups easier, and don't have to worry about damaging the wood to much. Just my .02 as I am about to replace the wood in mine and then do this.
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  7. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    2 or 3 inch steel floor ?

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Why did you buy a brand new trailer?
    So he didn't have to start out like this guy:

    Or end up like the SAME guy:
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 09-25-2011 at 03:21 PM.
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  11. #8
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    2 or 3 inch thick steel floor? I can't even wrap my mind around that comment.

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    2 or 3 inch thick steel floor? I can't even wrap my mind around that comment.
    Wouldn't that add about 1 ton of dead weight to the trailer??? I could see maybe 1/4-3/8" steel sheet laid down but not 2-3" WHEW,,,,

  14. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Wouldn't that add about 1 ton of dead weight to the trailer??? I could see maybe 1/4-3/8" steel sheet laid down but not 2-3" WHEW,,,,
    If my math is correct, a 3 inch thick 7x16 plate would weigh 13,708 lbs. or about 6.8 tons.

    Not to mention where would you even buy a plate that huge/thick?

    1/4" plate of the same size would be about 1,142 lbs.

    Could diamond plate it I suppose. Would provide a bit of grip should there be water/oil on deck.

  15. #11
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Wouldn't that add about 1 ton of dead weight to the trailer??? I could see maybe 1/4-3/8" steel sheet laid down but not 2-3" WHEW,,,,
    My apologies everyone, I was thinking about something else at the time, and for some reason put those numbers above done. Mechanic is right.

    Bascially just a sheet plat that would cover the entire floor of the trailer really. Can be any thickness you want it to be. I know a few who have this already, and it makes clean up quicker and easier, and saves damage to the wood flooring.

  16. #12
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Mechanic is right.
    Don't say that; it makes my head hurt from all the swelling,,, LOLOL

  17. #13
    c4f5's Avatar
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    3/16" is relatively light, but heavy enough to withstand some punishment.

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