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I am not trying to be mean here, but I don't think your business can be worth 200K. Here is the reason. Lets say by years end you put out 110K, and you make a liberal 50% profit, that is only a profit of 55k. Lets say your expenses are 20% of your profit, which includes labor(you and your workers) and then tools, rent etc(i know you said you get gas free). That is 11,000 off the 55k, so now your net profits are 44K. If I were purchasing a business i am looking at numbers. Growth to me is important, but paying the bills is the most important.
In the money out that was counting rent, labor and ect.
The first few months I was only taking out of the company what I needed to cover my bills. Now I am drawing a paycheck and we have 2 trucks paid in cash that are running along with trailers.
p.s any company that turns a profit in the first 3 years is great...most take longer than that as they have debt.
At this point my company has no dept and we are turning a profit.
Don't know all of his reasons behind of him wanting to buy me out but I am about to move into a nice warehouse. So when you look at my books in full and see what I am making (net profit) to my labor or rent costs...its very slow. Again pulling on short numbers but my monthly running costs is about $1,800 or so counting rent and labor. Alot of the things we get are all ready processed so we can just weight it...box it..send it out. We do not get that many whole computers in but when we do we process them and get them moved out.
For the fact that we went global...that only had our foot print grow even bigger/faster. There is no one country or state that I cant buy from.
Company is only 10months old.