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Starting a new scrapyard - Page 2

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  1. #21
    daw_green_clean started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sjones99 View Post
    The first thing you will need is money and lots of it...if you cant get it dont even bother...most yards ive been to put out 50 to 100k per day.
    I won't be that big.............initially.

  2. #22
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    If you are starting out with that type of budget definitely cut yourself out aniche... do some market research in your locale and see what everyone's strengths are... there has to be an opportunity with the various metals.
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  3. #23
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    There is a sure fire way to make a small fortune in the scrap industry...


    Just gagging! All the best with your endevour mate!
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  4. #24
    fiat128 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    Thing is...when dealing with steel its hard to mass up but if you mass CU and AL then you can sell those to yards and or refinery. Working with AL can be very simple with the low melting point, you can melt like AL items and make bars that you can stack alot easier than the raw metal, so soda cans with soda cans one car frame and or motor block and stack them up and sell them by the pallet.

    With copper find someone who pays very good and work out a deal with them, there is one guy on here who buys copper (recycling company) look into them.

    E-waste not much needs to be said here as I am someone who you can work with and I will try my best to have you grow...the more you get the more I get an we all go home happy.

    And so on..I think you get the drift.

    For everyone else thank you all for saying what you are about me I just try my best and do what I can. Here shortly I will ask for anyone who feels good and or bad about me to wright a letter to me (by e-mail) and I would like to add it to my website.

    Anyway if I can be of anymore help please let me know.
    This stuff is great. I'm mostly a copper, brass and aluminum person. I also seem to be the only person who separate Mazak (Zinc) from steel.

    I've been selling my steel directly to a mill and getting about $40 a ton over all the other yards so I'm happy with that. I operate out of my house and have to sell off stuff like steel really quick so the city doesn't get me. I need to get rid of my aluminum now as I've gotten a truckload of Al and it's getting in my way.

    I will be in touch about the copper but I'm sort of sitting on it now waiting for the price to go back up.

    Easy, is a pallet qty. big enough on the ewaste? I can sort it however needed but I bet you'll need to see photos of it since most is from industrial machines. It will be a while before I have a full pallet but I'm sure I can do that (I'm trying to get ahold of a storage unit full of towers right now so if I get it, I'll be in touch).

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiat128 View Post
    Easy, is a pallet qty. big enough on the ewaste? I can sort it however needed but I bet you'll need to see photos of it since most is from industrial machines. It will be a while before I have a full pallet but I'm sure I can do that (I'm trying to get ahold of a storage unit full of towers right now so if I get it, I'll be in touch).
    One pallet should be good. Photos will be needed for this and we can work on that once you have more info for me. But lets try not to get off topic to much. If you need more info/help start another thread =P
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  6. #26
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    lol good luck...where i live 1-2 people a month try and open a scrap yard..the big guys send their buyers in to auctions and over pay for everything..then they raise their prices to where you cant compete...i dont care how smart you always makes you the winner lol

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