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All right i may be talking out my arse, but i was thinking of setting up a scrap cooperative in Northern CA. I am tired of having to spend hours on the phone talking to scale guys who read off a sheet, who offer me $1 pound for cupronickel, and call my Monel K--stainless. A month ago i sold 200lb of monel for $6 a pound. Two days later I moved a couple of tons of steel and had 15lbs of monel bolts and as told $4 was all i could get for such a small amount.
I consider myself lucky, as i don't have to sell until I get a decent price, but I see the poor bast*rds who stand in line at the dealers, looking like extras on the set of Mad Max, with a pail of copper pickings. They work the hardest and get the crappiest price. It's not right.
What about organizing?
Let's say you could get 30 people to put in 100lbs of copper each. Stay in touch in the forum, accumulate weights and then make the calls to dealers. It seems the only thing dealers respect is volume. So why not meet beforehand go in with a load and get paid a best price?
Any thoughts, or am I talking about herding cats?
Change the concept from Co-op to a Labor Union in your community. Or merge both ideas to form a new concept fot the
scrap metal industry in your community.
Is there such a thing as a Srap Metal Union? I could not find any.
There are inherent differences in the two concepts, but some priciples can be applied.
It could be set up like a corporation with shared revenue. First, members donate scrap, or sell scrap to the Union at a lower price than normal until a reserve is reached. The reserve is sold, and the profit could be put right back into the Union for procuring new scrap to sell, or divided amongst the members. The same ideas you mentioned in the agriculture industry could directly be used in the Union once it becomes powerful in your community. You could protect small-business scrappers because that is why all unions were first created in the USA. To protect the worker. The monopoly of Natural Resources is the enemy to both capital and labor. Other countries have Natural Resources Labor Unions. Scrap Metal Unions are natural resources. Or renewable natural resources.
Workers Cooperatives have a very broad definition, but the same basic principles apply based on the Rochdale Principles and Values from England 1844.
1. They have the objective of creating and maintaining sustainable jobs and generating wealth, to improve the quality of life of the worker-members, dignify human work, allow workers’ democratic self-management and promote community and local development
2. Work shall be carried out by the members. This implies that the majority of the workers in a given worker cooperative enterprise are members and vice versa.
3. The worker-members’ relation with their cooperative shall be considered as different to that of conventional wage-based labor and to that of autonomous individual work.
4. Their internal regulation is formally defined by, agreed upon, and accepted by the worker-members.
Maybe I have been watching reruns of Soprano's too much, but if the garbage industry can be run and influenced by Unions, so can recycled metal. I am just not smart enough to figure that part out yet. When you get rich, dont forget about me.