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prices today panama city FL

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    prices today panama city FL

    cast al .35

    ext Al .50

    #2 cop $2.25

    Y brass $1.25

    these prices are 35 to 50 % down from my trip last month, since according to Iron mike the bulk prices havent dropped that much I have to believe the low prices are artificial due to the number of new scrappers out there

    there is a finite ammount of scrap out there, and there are probably 10 times the scrappers there was a year ago, counting part timers.

    90% of them really have no idea wat they are doing, you see it every day trailer after trailer of mixed scrap heading to town, Alu, copper. appliances elc motors all mixed togetner bringing .08 cents a lb. for loads that probably average .30 a lb if sorted and the real shame is these people are not only costing you money but they arnt making a profit them selves they just think they are when they put $40 in the tank and buy that 6 pack, it isnt untill weeks later they discover they arnt making any money when they suddenly realise they have no gas money left and cant figgure out why.

    looks like I may be forced to sell my computer scrap after all. guess Im going to have to buy or lease some portable wheel scales and start buying these .08 loads. sry about the rant it is just depressing for some one trying to operate like a real business.

    If you are a real poker player then you know what it is like to sit at the table with a group that has no Idea how to play the game.

  2. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    i agree. I see the same thing at my yard all the time...even before finding this site.

    You try telling people that if they go back home and break it all down, they get more $$$ but they care about now, and not later.

    Like when someone says "If I gave you $20 right now, or a penny doubled for a year, which one do you want" they take the $20.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  3. #3
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    I have to believe the low prices are artificial due to the number of new scrappers out there,
    there is a finite ammount of scrap out there, and there are probably 10 times the scrappers there was a year ago, counting part timers.

    90% of them really have no idea wat they are doing, you see it every day trailer after trailer of mixed scrap heading to town, Alu, copper. appliances elc motors all mixed togetner bringing .08 cents a lb. for loads that probably average .30 a lb if sorted and the real shame is these people are not only costing you money but they arnt making a profit them selves they just think they are when they put $40 in the tank and buy that 6 pack, it isnt untill weeks later they discover they arnt making any money when they suddenly realise they have no gas money left and cant figgure out why.
    If its happening that much, I'd try just scrapping at home & let the info out that you will buy their scrap at a % premium over what the scrappers will pay for it.

    Make your $ at home by simply increasing the value of it. A lot less overheads & consistent supply of hard to find metal.

  4. #4
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    It also helps to save it up a bit. Let's say you bring in one and a half pounds aluminum. The yard only pays you for a pound. The next day you bring in 2 and a half pounds aluminum. They pay you for 2 pounds. Every day you do this you lose money.

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