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  1. #1
    metal gypsy started this thread.
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    Lee County Florida proposing no more cash for scrap metal........

    City council of Lee County FL (Fort Myers, SWFL) has a proposed ordinance
    that will prevent you from collecting cash from the metal yard. 3-7 day wait
    time for your check "to be received by mail" and a list of items not accepted
    such as railroad items, street signs, funeral markers.etc.,etc......yup...them
    "checks" will stop thieves every time!!............The meeting was this morning
    and I know all the yards were at city council, I will post more info later as I
    do not live in this county, but I do business there.

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Well, best case scenario is that all of these stupid new rules may knock out a lot of the new scrappers. I can see their intentions, but don't think the outcome is what they want.

  3. #3
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    This is closing the gate when the horse has already bolted!! LOL

    They want to stop theft but are going about it in reverse....

    keep us posted..
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  4. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Yep now you will see ads on CL for people paying cash for copper.

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  6. #5
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    seen this over the last 50 years, been warning ya. the only way regulators (government) knows how to fix a problem is more regulation. problem is with laws or regs like this is Outlaws dont pay any attention to them, THATS WHY THEY CALL THEM OUTLAWS. They will find a way arround them through them and over them. the truest bumper sticker I ever saw was as follows, "When guns are outlawed , only outlaws will have guns". Jefferson put it this way "when people beat their swords into plow shares, they will end up plowing the fields of those who didn't."

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  8. #6
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    I don't sell at yards that require ID. I don't steal but since I am somewhat successful I could be accused of a crime some one else committed. Just go to a different county.

  9. #7
    Mick's Avatar
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    The "obvious" solution is payment by PayPal. Fast, easily traceable and would cut down on record keeping expenses.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  11. #8
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amanda View Post
    I don't sell at yards that require ID. I don't steal but since I am somewhat successful I could be accused of a crime some one else committed. Just go to a different county.
    I haven't encountered a yard that doesn't require ID, are they really some out there that don't? A lot or just a few?

  12. #9
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    I haven't encountered a yard that doesn't require ID, are they really some out there that don't? A lot or just a few?
    I am pretty sure it is required by law for all the yards to require ID.
    I also like the idea of making people wait for payment . A crackhead or pill head will not want to wait for there cash, but my bills can wait a few days to be paid.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 11-01-2011 at 07:03 AM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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  14. #10
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    Many small town yards don't require ID. The best thing to do is call and ask before you go. The day that they all require ID is the day I'll quit. I don't want to be treated like a criminal or perhaps even accused of a crime I didn't commit.

  15. #11
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amanda View Post
    Many small town yards don't require ID. The best thing to do is call and ask before you go. The day that they all require ID is the day I'll quit. I don't want to be treated like a criminal or perhaps even accused of a crime I didn't commit.

    I am not sure what county you are referring to, and it is not important. However, there is probably 30 some scrap yards with in 50 miles of me, and they all require ID's.

    It is their own legal safety measurement so if someone came looking for their scrap metal that was stolen, the yard knows where to send them and the police. A yard is not going to take the chance in you bringing in something that your not supposed to, and them taking the rap for it.

    Also, whoever said that just because a yard requires your ID, that they are automatically tagging you as a criminal or accusing you of a crime. Unless you have a twin that does scrapping and breaking the laws all the time, then, I don't see this ever happening.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  16. #12
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    The yard I go to requires ID and pays by check. It is nowhere near a bad area of NJ. The yard closest to me (Trenton, NJ) has signs stating you need ID but they never ask for it and you can sign off as Joe Schmoe if you want. Trenton pays in cash.

    Payout in yard 1 = $12/100 by check for shred
    Payout in yard 2 = $9/100 in cash for shred

    Needless to say I go to yard 1 and get paid by check. They are higher across the board and their price is listed on their website and at the yard in the office. Plus the place isn't a total ****hole like yard 2 is.

  17. #13
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    the result and effects of these laws will be judged by one rule, the rule of unintended concequences. some how we need to unite in one voice. the only way I can see that can be done is through this forum some way. we each are only one lowly voice, the forum is 5000+ voices strong.

    there were 4 scrappers in my neighborhood.

    a month ago they came and arrested Joe.
    but it didnt effect me he scrapped copper I dont.
    3 weeks ago they came and arrested pete
    but it didnt effect me he scrapped cars, I don't.
    last week they came and arrested Frank
    not any of my business
    Frank scrapps TVs , I dont.
    today the came to arrest me, I scrap alu cans.
    There was no one left to speak up for me.

    The above is an axium, as old as time and as true as the sun set.

  18. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The day that they all require ID is the day I'll quit. I don't want to be treated like a criminal or perhaps even accused of a crime I didn't commit.
    I'll show my ID anytime, I don't have anything to hide.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  19. #15
    Gatorcore's Avatar
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    All yards in our area require ID. Just a heads up, they also have to send a transaction log of all transactions, finger print and license info to the local police every morning from the following day.

  20. #16
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    I have no problem showing ID etc. think it is probably a good rule, however when they start telling me I have to wait a week or two for my money that is a completely different situation. If they cant find the thieves with Id and descriptions of products sold they are not going to find them, passing new laws and regs is not going to eliminaste the thieves it is just passing the buck on to the backs of hard working honest people struggling as it is to get by. I fully understand in a reg job you wait for a pay check. that is not the issue here. we are selling a product not working for a scrap yard. Try going to Walmart or a restaurant and telling them they have to wait 10 days for their money. I may be small potatos compared to walmart but my rights to do business are just as important.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 11-01-2011 at 04:03 PM.

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  22. #17
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    After 3 trips to my yard in Bismarck, ND, I have yet to be asked for an ID. Protocol is as follows:
    1. Go to shop door
    2. Produce goods and get weighed
    3. Give shop guy my name and address, he writes ticket
    4. Go to office, give ticket, get check.
    So they pay via check, but in theory I could be giving anyone's name that would cash a check for me. They don't seem to store names and addresses in the shop as I've had to give my information each time.

  23. #18
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    The yard I go to for non ferrous starts out with a list of questions, hair ,eyes, work, etc. Then we break into a photo shoot. I am the star, hat off please, then my truck, then just my tag, now over to my cans of scrap. After the photo shoot the drivers license gets handed over. Now we put my goods on the scale.
    My paper goes inside to the phone booth sized room where there is a little window and a sliding drawer. After a minute or two I am aloud to enter the booth.
    The lady behind the window asks for my DL but I cant hear a word, someone installed the can sorting machine right outside that little room!
    After she does some adding and ciphering she starts over again, then slides that paper with my life history on it under the window along with a finger printing gig on a stick. After I get finger printed she sends out the cheese!

    Now as you might be saying to yourself, "wow this must take forever". If you said that good you are correct! I make sure I get my load ready the night before and am the first guy at the yard in the morning!

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  25. #19
    High Voltage Processing's Avatar
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    Himmmmm..... looks like I need to drop some direct mail ads in that county.
    Jim Dwyer
    President/Founder High Voltage Processing

  26. #20
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    The yard I go to for non ferrous starts out with a list of questions, hair ,eyes, work, etc. Then we break into a photo shoot. I am the star, hat off please, then my truck, then just my tag, now over to my cans of scrap. After the photo shoot the drivers license gets handed over. Now we put my goods on the scale.
    My paper goes inside to the phone booth sized room where there is a little window and a sliding drawer. After a minute or two I am aloud to enter the booth.
    The lady behind the window asks for my DL but I cant hear a word, someone installed the can sorting machine right outside that little room!
    After she does some adding and ciphering she starts over again, then slides that paper with my life history on it under the window along with a finger printing gig on a stick. After I get finger printed she sends out the cheese!

    Now as you might be saying to yourself, "wow this must take forever". If you said that good you are correct! I make sure I get my load ready the night before and am the first guy at the yard in the morning!
    Wow, you have to go through that every single time? They put me and a copy of my DL in the computer the first time and now they just get my name and have me sign an ownership form. I think they are supposed to be filming it though, but I'm not sure they do.

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