I'm looking to scrap full time, but im in need of ideas on where to begin obtaining free scrap, or tips to finding some?
I'm looking to scrap full time, but im in need of ideas on where to begin obtaining free scrap, or tips to finding some?
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Look at "Scrap Metal Spots" under Scrapper's Hangout heading on the Home page.
Last edited by Scrapette; 10-26-2011 at 08:34 PM.
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1st, Who are you? Without an introduction thread, its hard for people here to take you seriously.
2nd, Do your research, look at the top of this page and you will see a search option, try searching for your question first and I am sure you will find many threads on the subject.
3rd, Here is my tip for you, while your driving around, look at the side of the road for items.
4th, Read my signature.
CMHN Recycling
It would be hard to say where you may or may not find something in your town as we do not know it...and we do not even KNOW what town or city you are in. But as noted there are alot of topics that cover this very well from companies to look for that will have blank blank to knowing key spots to look or key people to call/find to get the lowdown on honey pots.
But first this first.....read up and when your driving around keep an eye open and get out and look over the bridges.
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There is a bunch of it in my shed in my back yard![]()
Going on a road trip to help part time scrapper to make some space in his shed so he has more room. I will do this for free.
Scrap is everywhere.
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..while you are out there if you find a big bag of cash, Its mine, I lost it a while back..
"roaming the streets, looking for treats"
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but torker owes me $50, so send that much of it my way. thanks
We're the renegades of Junk!
Hey CMNH, it is not a good idea to look out the window while you are driving for scrap metal. You could run into a telephone pole or something. Almost as bad as dumb-asses on cell phones. He should get some one else to drive.
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The OP logged off five minutes after making this thread/post and hasn't been back. He hasn't seen any replies.
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
See a pile of metal, get out of truck, ask owner about pile of metal, load metal if permissable, take metal to scrap yard. Weigh the metal in the truck, unload the metal, weigh the truck without the metal. Get paid.
We gotta be getting trolled. Good Grief.
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