the following post was posted in another thread but maybe it belongs here. I altered it a little to fit the peramitrs and rules of the forum.
well for some reasion it wont paste so I will summerise it.
some of us feel the need for more regulation and laws to stop unscrupulis people and thieves. you can not or pass laws that effect the lawless, you can only restict, the honest.
yard owners and operators man up be honest, are you going to say you dont know who the thieves and tweekers are. even if you do do you have the right not to buy their stuff if you dont know it is stolen. do you really want t be stopped and harrassed 4 times every 50 miles because you have an old fridge in the back of your truck.
do you believe only those with the $ to have a nice shiney truck a comfey office nice stationary, beautiful
business cards, have the right to be a scrapper.
We dont need more regulation the thieves do.
as far as new laws there are already sufficient law on the books to handle our problems many times over. it is not a law or regulation problem, it is an enforcement problem.
those who desire more regulation, I have no doubt you will get your wish. little by little as time goes buy, and maybe one day we can all be satisfyed and comfey working for a government owned scrap yard, where we will no longer have to worry about criminals, or regulations. oh wait they already do China, north korea and a few other places. wounder how thats workin out for them. why do I feel like Im beating my head against a stone wall.
those of you under 50 have absolutly no Idea what freedom was once upon a time in this country.