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what are they paying for NIckel silver alloy

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  1. #1
    azgard started this thread.
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    what are they paying for NIckel silver alloy

    i took apart this large lab autoclave oven thing. inside there is the oven chamber with 2 inch thick fram all the way around it. its stamped SB584. i googed it and came up with nickel silver alloy about 60% copper 20-30% nickel. im wondering what they are paying for that. and i live in the Northeast USA are there scrap yars that take this kind of stuff.

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  3. #2
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    i used to find tons of old spoons labeled nickle silver,,,and its usually a really good price depending how much the buyer believes you know about the stuff...your best bet is to shop it around...harder to get hosed that way

  4. #3
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    CuperNickel 70-30 $2.25/ $1.26
    CuperNickel 90-10 $0.75/ $0.82

    found on

  5. #4
    azgard started this thread.
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    why do they pay so little for it. copper is over $3lb and nickel is over $7 lb. and the piece i got is about 60 percent copper.

  6. #5
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    most likely more difficult to smelt than pure copper

    Quote Originally Posted by azgard View Post
    why do they pay so little for it. copper is over $3lb and nickel is over $7 lb. and the piece i got is about 60 percent copper.

  7. #6
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azgard View Post
    why do they pay so little for it. copper is over $3lb and nickel is over $7 lb. and the piece i got is about 60 percent copper.
    Alloyed metals must be separated prior to being recycled and used by industry. The separation of alloys can be expensive depending on the alloy. Because of this, lower prices are paid for alloyed metals than metals that are already almost pure-pure.

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  9. #7
    armstrt8's Avatar
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    Dang that is low! I have been stockpiling this as well. I find it in the coil windings from HVAC units... a little under a pound in each one O.O
    Before now I thought it was in the $5 range, but after sweepers response I had to check and it is indeed around $2.60-$2.70 Lame!

  10. #8
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    You "can" find higher end buyers for this stuff, when I have to money on hand I buy cupro nickel lots of government liquidation. Thing is, you skip the yard because chances are they have no contract (it can take a year or two to fill even a small order) and go directly to the companies that remelt and blend these alloys. In my case I used to work at a company that casts cupro nickel wear parts and stainless alloy parts for jet engines and stuff. I have a working relationship with them, I buy all their tooling, all the wax dies and everything I can from them.

    Sad to say (because yard prices are appalling) but if your going to sell cupro nickel for a contract price (about 4.70 a lb for 60/35) you will need to fulfill weight and dimension requirements, and be able to either prove the alloy by origin stamping, assay or xrf gun. This is the sort of industry normally left to scrap yards, and I used to not bother with it. Truthfully very few people are in the nickel business, most scrap yards couldn't identify nickel or it's alloys if you showed it to them. Yet another thing I learned from my ex-wife's step father...he's a scrap guru. Oh well I guess. Hope that shed some light on the situation.
    WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!

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