first I went and picked up 52 computers from FL state U advertised on Gov deals. by the time I figgure in my 600 mi trip I had about 10/11 $ in each which seems to be a bout as cheep as you can get them on auction sites any more. usualy the cost os $10 or more before you count transportation.
the computers were listed as hard drives removed. and the usual disclamer of no gurantee and parts may be missing.
I caution any one buying fron ufl. about the only thing left in them were the mother boards. half a dozen cpus some one missed and a few finger cards and rams. very few, im gonna bite the big one on this load. I will have a hard time breaking even.
as the attention on computer scrapping gets bigger thgere will be more and more of this type incident.
these public entities put some one in charge of dssposing of surplus material, weather it is a high school, police dept or university. if that person is aware of what they have they will strip it to bare bones, and the adm dosent care.
2. there was an ad on craigs list " pickup load of computer parts $25", I was suspicious for some reasion and called, and asked pointed questions, what it was is a guy advertising on craigs list for free pick up of non working computers, he strips them down to the cases and screen on lap tops and is selling the skeletons on craigs list. so what he has is trying to sell is the crap he dosent know how to get rid of.
3. caution in Ill. big story about some one stealing the 3 foot copper sword fron the Linclon grave site. look for some over reaction here by the powers that be.
"never fail to take advantage of a good ctisis" Rhom Emanual" now the mayor of Chicago.