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Used industrial electrical parts

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  1. #1
    Destructo_d started this thread.
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    Used industrial electrical parts

    Does anyone know of any companies who purchase used industrial electrical parts for resale in Canada? The are a couple of places in the USA who do this...

    This is one of them :

    here is another :

    I did have another site, but I can't seem to find it... They buy used parts too... a few times a year I take apart industrial power panels, control panels etc...

    I don't really want to do ebay as I have never sold anything on there before... I don't get how to calculate shipping into into the end price and such... but I have some parts that are worth anywhere from 20 bucks on up to 6, 7 - 1000 bucks used... be nice if I could get a little bit of that coin instead of scrap value...

    some of these parts are obsolete, but still work... and some companys still have obsolete panels and can't find/afford to find replacement parts... so could potentially be a win/win situation

    I have googled and couldnt find anything in Canada.. but I will keep on googling and hopefully find something....

  2. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    There is a little bit of a learning curve with Ebay but really it's not all that complicated. When figuring shipping(I just do lower 48 states) I pick a few zip code furthest from me(Denver) and to determine a worst case scenario and then build that into the price of the item whether it be a shipping charge or the minimum final price I want to get.
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  3. #3
    Destructo_d started this thread.
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    Thanks KZ, I never thought of doing that.... Now that it's winter and I am spending less time on my favorite money making hobby, I might just have to sit down and figure it all out.

  4. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I do alot of ebay as well. Its worth it if you ask me but the fees can get confusing. Figuring out shipping isnt hard at all really. you can go threw and it will show you exactly what stuff costs to ship. If your going to ebay definitly get a paypal account for one. If you have any questions just ask ill try to help all I can.

  5. #5
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    I bumped into a guy at an auction once a while ago just looked up his business card for you. His name is Terry Canasky 816-616-9230. He buys used electrical goods. Good Luck. I also have a few numbers for guys that buy hydraulic pumps and motors to.

  6. #6
    Destructo_d started this thread.
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    Thanks everyone...

    PTS: I do have a pay-pay account I use when buying stuff. When I am ready to sit down and figure this out, I may just take you up on your offer... It might not be until spring, but at least I will have inventory to sell. lol

    PSP: Thank you... Is he in Canada or USA?

    The main reason, besides high shipping costs, that I want to remain selling just in Canada is... After 9/11 and homeland security... I don't really want to be shipping electronic parts over the boarder... all the stuff I have are for 240v and up single phase or 3 phase items... nothing really small other than I get micro switch's and some lights....

    Alot of this stuff is totally usable... I cut out the wiring in control panels, but indiviual parts seem like large contactors/relays.... micro switch's... you name it... heck... I have 2 : Hitachi J300 3 phase converters.... they are on ebay brand new from like 600 - over 1000 bucks... if anyone happens to look it up, there is one key part missing from it and its the little control panel on the front with the up and down arrows and digital read out... but that itself could be a hundred bucks each...

    Thanks again everyone for listening to me ramble. lol

  7. #7
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    816 looks like Kansas City, MO.

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