e wast is kind of like the cat converter bis was a couple of years ago. For years they both were kind of an open secret to a relitivly small number of people. the internet allow no secret to be kept for long. can big money still be made from both ? yes. but ou need to work very hard and get extremely lucky in either one. case in point probably 30% think the gold in computers are solid gold, but most of them still throw them on the dump. another 30% are convinced there is no PM in any of them. then there is the middle 40 %.
there are people paying $20 to $40 for scrap comps thinking they are going to get rich otherke I said just throw them in the trash.
some junk auto yards and scrap yards still buy many cats for $10 to $25 all day long, some people pay $75 for an aftermarket because they dont know what they are doing, thinking they are going to get rich.
The best defence against all is to educate your self here and any where else you can. Be light on your feet and ready to jump onthe next secret before it is too late. As for me I have had my glory days and they were great, Ive had one grand ride on this earth, I truely did it my way. as for now Im just looking to get back to the dailey comfort days.