Yeah i get the fact that its not an easy thing to do. I wasn't saying it was. I am just saying it doesn't seem hard to break down e-waste fast. WTF do I know though like i said I am completely green and new at it. Just looking for something to make me cash on the side. Its not like this would be my main focus just some extra dough if it could be attained. I am just throwing it around in my head.

From what I guess others are commenting on your profit is only 10 percent. That would mean you would have to do 1.2 million dollars worth of business to make a 120,000 a year. I think I will pass on that. I never really considered china or india to be a threat when it comes to this kinda material like I said though WTF do I know about it. I guess paying someone 12 dollars an hours over 32 cents an hour the cheaper labor always wins out.

I was just wondering how the seasoned vets acquire large lots of material? That was my main question.