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  1. #21
    Metal's Avatar
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    This is my first post, so let me start by saying hi to all my fellow scrappers! Now to explain why they want you to be HVAC certified (refrigerant 608 certified). Its because you are not supposed to release CFC's to the atmosphere, and when you cut the lines and let the refrigerant out into the atmosphere it is actually illegal and you could be fined heavy if an EPA official happened to see you doing it. (which is rare, but could happen). If you were trained on how to remove the refrigerant properly, you wouldn't be letting it out and "destroying the ozone layer". Instead you would be recovering it into a container and then dismantling the unit.

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  3. #22
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metal View Post
    This is my first post, so let me start by saying hi to all my fellow scrappers! Now to explain why they want you to be HVAC certified (refrigerant 608 certified). Its because you are not supposed to release CFC's to the atmosphere, and when you cut the lines and let the refrigerant out into the atmosphere it is actually illegal and you could be fined heavy if an EPA official happened to see you doing it. (which is rare, but could happen). If you were trained on how to remove the refrigerant properly, you wouldn't be letting it out and "destroying the ozone layer". Instead you would be recovering it into a container and then dismantling the unit.
    Finally someone cleared that up and we can all sleep better now.
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  5. #23
    metaljacket started this thread.
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    I don't question that it is a good idea to have the hvac certification but I think that there is more at play than just environmental concerns. The amount of copper thefts and the publication of these thefts in newspapers and media I think made the difference. My concern that it is copper today and something else tomorrow.

    like in many industries a few bad actors spoil the show for the whole crowd.

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  7. #24
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    I read an environmental analysis that said the space shuttle launches caused a 1% reduction in ozone protection. Dr. Lovelock proved CFC damage in the late 50's and it went unheard for years. I hire an HVAC guy to evacuate all freons, it is pricey to get it destroyed. The more responsible you are the better and the better reputation you develop. It is not always possible..we just do the best we can. Any recycling is better than the dump or ditch. Manufacturers are really the ones that need to be held responsible before distribution of the product is allowed. It would be far more effective to collect a recycling fee that is on the price of the product and then used to promote/fund recycling. Just don't let the government run it!!

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  9. #25
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metaljacket View Post

    I don't question that it is a good idea to have the hvac certification but I think that there is more at play than just environmental concerns. The amount of copper thefts and the publication of these thefts in newspapers and media I think made the difference. My concern that it is copper today and something else tomorrow.

    like in many industries a few bad actors spoil the show for the whole crowd.

    I also think that it is about theft and the legislators trying to look like they are doing something about it, but doing something that punishes the innocent along with the guilty. They like throwing the babies out with the bathwater.

    You wonder if a few state senators got caught taking illegal campaign contributions,- would they stop or heavily restrict all campaign contributions?

    Think not.

    I think we need to contact the media and ask them to present metal scrappers in a more balanced way. I put a comment on an article about metal thefts in a recent newspaper article reminding people of all the legal and legitimate scrapping that goes on how it serves the public and how restricting it hurts families financially.
    Last edited by Scrapette; 12-05-2011 at 03:20 PM.
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  11. #26
    scrapdollar's Avatar
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    I read some where that Cows are the worst polluters, I don't see the EPA up their a$$es.

    Metal, I apologize for my comment and it wasn't to attack you personally. Welcome to the forums.

    I do appreciate you trying to give a explanation of what is going on, but I just don't think it is an environmental issue.
    Last edited by scrapdollar; 12-05-2011 at 04:56 PM. Reason: too apologize

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  13. #27
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    Believe it or not there is an international movement to help legitimize and spread consciousness about the value of those harvesting recyclable materials. Check out the work of Vic Muniz and the film Waste Land, it is very very powerful. As America shrinks it's manufacturing capability our access to raw materials will also shrink and recycled materials will be our most affordable source. Good for you for letting the local press know

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  15. #28
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    Check out this link to the EPA site to see how serious they are getting...

    EPA lawsuits

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