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I don't question that it is a good idea to have the hvac certification but I think that there is more at play than just environmental concerns. The amount of copper thefts and the publication of these thefts in newspapers and media I think made the difference. My concern that it is copper today and something else tomorrow.
like in many industries a few bad actors spoil the show for the whole crowd.
I also think that it is about theft and the legislators trying to look like they are doing something about it, but doing something that punishes the innocent along with the guilty. They like throwing the babies out with the bathwater.
You wonder if a few state senators got caught taking illegal campaign contributions,- would they stop or heavily restrict all campaign contributions?
Think not.
I think we need to contact the media and ask them to present metal scrappers in a more balanced way. I put a comment on an article about metal thefts in a recent newspaper article reminding people of all the legal and legitimate scrapping that goes on how it serves the public and how restricting it hurts families financially.