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business just got tougher

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  1. #1
    metaljacket started this thread.
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    business just got tougher

    Friend just recently took some ac scrap to yard in Ms. and was informed they could not take the copper from ac units unless he was hvac certified. Is this fairly common now?

    I guess maybe something I dont get but if copper were cut out of the aluminum fins and separated into shorter pieces and run in with other copper how would they know the difference? Realize that is a little more work but then you would be getting full copper price and aluminum price which would help offset the extra time involved.

    I realize that many of these rules are being mandated because of copper theft but sometimes it just seems a little over the top. I'm not sure in the final analysis that this new requirement will either deter theft or sale of copper.

    Are others experiencing the same issues with copper and ac units in general and do the extra steps mentioned above make it an unattractive proposition?

  2. #2
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    My yard won't take them either unless I am HVAC certified. I believe the reason for this is so yards can buy scrap that was properly processed.

    As for mixing it with other copper, I suppose that could work. Look at a tube next time you pull one. You can tell where the fins were and that's how the yard stopped me and told me they wouldn't take it.

  3. #3
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    Wow, definately a different ball game in my parts...They would take a human head if it had some fillings and bridge, j/k..I hope.

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  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I think it's to slow these jerks down that are stealing central air units from outside of homes and businesses. Reality homes are getting hit hard.
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  6. #5
    Filthy's Avatar
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    they call it number two copper, but they take it over here
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  7. #6
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    i hope its an environmental issue
    collecting san joses scrap

  8. #7
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    yup once we the people allow the thumb screws to be applied they will never never stop tightening the screws, its simply what they do. a "legislator" will legislate (make law) and regulators will regulate when that law dosent solve the problem they dont replace it or change it they instead add another one even more restrictive. they just cant get it through their heads "outlaws" are out side the law. laws and regulations are only for the honest.

    prices are down so theft is down, do you think they notice ? They dont. and its for a reasion.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 11-29-2011 at 11:18 PM.

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  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemeate View Post
    i hope its an environmental issue
    I'm sure that's what they'll tell you. But really it's about controlling people and dictating their lives.

  11. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by IdahoScrapper:

  12. #9
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    a guy over here stole the all the copper and alu from the ac units of like 30 mobiles over here at work. they were classrooms. completly destrpyed them. when the yard asked him where he got it the idiot said my boss gave them to him. boss got a call from the yard and was like yeah i was wondering who stole everything.

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  14. #10
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    These laws do little to reduce crime.. the sociology ( that tax $$ pays for) is overwhelming in what DOES reduce crime. Every dollar spent on helping the poor with housing,food,transportation,and health care reduces crime at roughly the same amount that is spent on law enforcement. The level of poverty that is emerging in the U.S. is starting to look 3rd world. Scrapping is the extra income that helps many folks stay afloat.

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  16. #11
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Scrapping is the FULL TIME income of this family.

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  18. #12
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    I put this in another thread, but the Kentucky legislature will vote next year on letting yards buy copper only from licensed contractors or "authorized resale representatives" whatever that is.
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  20. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Area67 View Post
    Scrapping is the extra income that helps many folks stay afloat.
    Truer words have not been spoken....

    I am the last person to have a pity small family enjoys many luxuries and conveniences, and we could probably tighten up the budget and let go of a few non-essentials. In fact, cable TV will probably be going very soon. I haven't been able to find a job in the field I have a degree in, and it doesn't make sense for me to go to work for a wage of less than $11 or so, after I consider the cost of childcare and gasoline. I do not wish to work 40 hours a week, spend 10 hours a week driving to/from work, and net $100 for it all. I usually make between $50-$300/wk with scrapping, ebay, craigslist, etc.....the more we need money the harder I hustle. Hopefully I can find a job soon the fits the trajectory I intend to travel, but until then it is comforting to have auxiliary income. Most weeks, I am the one who fuels the vehicles, buys groceries, and pays any entertainment expenses. The weeks when my efforts are required to bolster the checking account are never fun, because it always seems like those are the weeks I work the hardest for the least return. Keep on keepin on, though, friends

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  22. #14
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    The way to break these absurd restrictions is to work with other scrappers in you area and get 1 person "legit" to what ever level required and funnel all scrap through him/her. I would not be surprised if landfills are behind these legislative restrictions..hiring corporate lobbyists/hitman to protect their domain from "uppity" hardworking independents. The corporatocracy prefers to have everybody at their $8-12 jobs. I have had to take care of disabled and elderly most of my adult life and could never have done without the flexibility of scrapping. Work together and network!!

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  24. #15
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    it is just plain tax period. a way to steal as much money as they can. to jubject you to their will. It is about money, power, and control nothing else. if those three things are so necessary, and they are so good at it, how did we get where we are today.

    We are in a primarily cash business this drives them nuts. they cant control your money or movements, and they just arnt sure what you are up to. this also drives them crazy.

    this is exactly why we will in the not too distant future be a cashless world, we will all have electronic transfer credits what ever they choose to call them, that way they can track every where you go every thing you do, and and every penney that comes and goes. of course a large part of that is already done with on star, cell phones, and your gps maping system in your vehicle. are you aware that the new cell phones can listen to you even if it is off. just check out the spy ware available to the public on the net, then imagin what is NOT available to the public.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 11-30-2011 at 09:49 PM.

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  26. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ry4nscr4p View Post
    Wow, definately a different ball game in my parts...They would take a human head if it had some fillings and bridge, j/k..I hope.
    you just made my day jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  27. The Following User Says Thank You to Miggs73 for This Post:

  28. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    it is just plain tax period. a way to steal as much money as they can. to jubject you to their will. It is about money, power, and control nothing else. if those three things are so necessary, and they are so good at it, how did we get where we are today.

    We are in a primarily cash business this drives them nuts. they cant control your money or movements, and they just arnt sure what you are up to. this also drives them crazy.

    this is exactly why we will in the not too distant future be a cashless world, we will all have electronic transfer credits what ever they choose to call them, that way they can track every where you go every thing you do, and and every penney that comes and goes. of course a large part of that is already done with on star, cell phones, and your gps maping system in your vehicle. are you aware that the new cell phones can listen to you even if it is off. just check out the spy ware available to the public on the net, then imagin what is NOT available to the public.
    Man you are so right. its scary to think about how watched we are now a days.

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  30. #18
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Still ok in Arizona

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  32. #19
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    Every year more people..fewer resources, that is all one needs to know to explain where we are heading FAST!

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  34. #20
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I honestly think, in the future, we won't actually 'buy' appliances, we will 'hire' them.

    If it breaks in guarantee, they will fix or replace it, if they replace it, you get a new product & a full guarantee again.

    Once they break, if they are out of guarantee, you will have to 'buy' another one.
    But they still 'own' it (the materials its made from) & they will recycle it 'inhouse'.
    Wether they actually scrap it back down to bare metals & materials, or refurbish it & sell it on again, I dunno.

    I had a idea of, say with a washing machine, it could be made so that once its worn out, it could be remade into something else, like a wind powered generating plant, for use in Africa or some 3rd world country.

    The sheet sides get bent up into legs, the plastic gets remelted in molds into propellers, the motor gets turned into the power generating part, the circuitry gets remade into a AC rectifier & battery charger, LED's into light bulbs, wire into the power transmissions cable.

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