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  1. #1
    Ry4nscr4p started this thread.
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    Getting a conatiner delivered to a site...have some questions?

    I will be getting a conatiner delivered tomorrow to a site for a job. It's a good sized job for me. Parting out and scrapping a food manufacturing plant.
    Alot of food grade-stainless machinery/equipment, ferrous, wires, etc.

    I'm only getting one conatiner and putting everything into it, then the yard will sort it out. I'll break down all the machinery for the motors, wire, etc.

    Is there anything I should know about this process that the scrap yard didn't or doesn't want to tell me? What should I do as far as the sorting process is concerned in regards to the scrap yard end of it?

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    What is the yard going to charge you to sort it out? I tried this once a long time ago and the yard ACCIDENTLY dumped the whole load into the shred pile. Wasn't a good day!

  3. #3
    Ry4nscr4p started this thread.
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    Ooh man....As far as I know, my only fee will be the container for $100. I figure I'll put all the non-ferrous stuff on one side and the shred on the other, make it a little faster for the magnet to sort out. I'll defiantely follow the container to the yard and supervise the sorting/weighing. I just feel like I'm overlooking, or not privy to to something for it to be this straight foward.

  4. #4
    sjones99's Avatar
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    I would be willing to bet there is gonna be a hauling fee also...the container alone would be the 100...if its multiple items you will be charged a sorting fee and they will do that when they are ready so be prepared for that.

  5. #5
    Ry4nscr4p started this thread.
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    The sccrap yard rep just sent me an email with the pricelist: I'll get: .09/lb-light iron/mixed steel, .60/lb clean stainless, and .30/lb for mixed stainless. Over the phone he was talking .10/lb for the iron and .70/lb for the stainless. I'll send him a reply about that though.

  6. #6
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yard I used to work with would send me a tridem trailer then leave, I always had my scrap already prepared and would order the trailer for a Friday so that I could have it all weekend otherwise anything over a week day I would have had to pay demurrage for any day over the freebie.

    Anyone depending on the yard to sort deserves what they get when the fat lady sings, another sob story in the making.

    If the trailer and truck have air suspension you can tell how much weight you have on board to within 100 lbs by the gauge pressure inside the cab. Ask your driver he'll tell you, those air gauges for the air ride suspension keep the truck from getting over weight tickets at the scales. You will find that most scrap yards order their trucks with.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-05-2011 at 03:15 PM.

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  8. #7
    Ry4nscr4p started this thread.
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    Man I scrapped my A** off today. 8 hours of haulin metal from inside a factory to a pile in the back. Everything is turning out okay except the container didn't show up today, they assured me first thing in the morning. It's okay with the gentlemen that own the factory so it's okay with me. I'm excited about this job, I wanted to share some photos.
    Probably 3-3.5 tons of metal so far, not bad for one guy and a hand truck:

    this is an industrial refridgeration unit, the whole case is stainless, hoping to get taken care of on this one

    This is all food grade stainless equipent, the guts are steel so I'm just gonna cut out the bulk of the stainless

    this is a transformer, the yard should give me 25/lb for this, my scale said 580.

    I have more pictures of the motors and other things but I just wanted to share my progress
    Last edited by Ry4nscr4p; 12-06-2011 at 03:07 PM.

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  10. #8
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    DANG! Big haul, congrats!

  11. #9
    Ry4nscr4p started this thread.
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    Thanks man, I'm probably about 75% finished with the steel, I'll have to split the take with the owners, but I still thought it's more than fair. Maybe I'll take out 5% or so for expenses-gas, sawzall blades, grinding wheels, labor, etc.

  12. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Great Scott, that's a nice job you scored! Looks like you hit it hard like a big dog, congrats on your efforts.

    You mentioned you are breaking things down, If it were me , I would be loading that drop box with only the steel.
    With what you have going on there you can make a lot of profit separating it yourself. This one job would support the cost of a fine trailer and other equipment.
    I may be a skeptic but if you load all the metals into "there" box you will be at there discretion as to the worth. With a small job the numbers would not add up as they would with a project of this size. A nickel is not very strong by itself but with thousands of friends it can be a force to be reckoned with.

    Can't tell your location from the landscape but if you were anywhere near me I would love to be apart of this project.

    Good deal and good luck.

    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

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  13. #11
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Wow! Thanks for the pics, thats one great haul you have there!

  14. #12
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Very nice !! It's going to be a nice payday !

  15. #13
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    Very nice haul..I agree with only putting Ferrous in the box, handle the "high grade" yourself so that way there are no mistakes or sob stories. I am speaking from experience here. Maybe work those transformers over a bit..that is a nice grip of copper, seems like time well spent. Most of us are spending more time driving around and looking than harvesting these days, get every$$ outta what is "in the hole" before letting a yard make the cash. (what am I saying..I am a yard??!!) my spirit is still in the field...

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  17. #14
    wavecrazed's Avatar
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    Area is right. Can you rent a uhaul trailer for a day? about 35 dollars.

  18. #15
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wavecrazed View Post
    Area is right. Can you rent a uhaul trailer for a day? about 35 dollars.
    Why not just buy one for a few bucks more? This job is big enough to pay for a fine trailer, hell it could even have lights with all this profit.

    I never could understand renting equipment that will be of use in the future. Even if a trailer was bought and used only for this job it could hold it's value and be resold.

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  20. #16
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    Excellent haul! Looks like Christmas came a couple of weeks early for you.

  21. #17
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    you can get P/U trailers here for $150 more or less. HF tow lights for $20(on sale) and you are good to go. Look for 70's Ford Truck trailers with 1/2 9" differentials..they can take lots of abuse. 3/4 ton trailers are usually a bit more and not up for sale that often. Money very well spent if you can spare it..

  22. The Following User Says Thank You to Area67 for This Post:

  23. #18
    Ry4nscr4p started this thread.
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    Thanks for the encouragement guys! I'm doing some thinking about only putting ferrous in the container. Most of the stainless is small enough to put in the van, so I could do that for sure. But the pictures you see with the big refridgeration unit and the hoist of stainless is literally too big/heavy to fit in a truck. I can cut out 80% of the stainless on the hoist but what do I do with the refridgeration unit?

    THe guy that owns the plant said he scrapped an identical unit a few weeks ago and they wound up giving him $1500. Will I do much better cutting out all the aluminum/copper radiator? Another thing the sales rep made clear was the stainless had to be REAL clean to get 60-70/lb otherwise its getting half of that. The casing on that unit is stainless but with steel framing, I don't have the time to strip that whole unit as the plant needs this gone asap.

    If anyone on this site is located in the NY area that deals with units like these please let me know as I would definately consider dealing with said person than risk getting screwed by the yard.

    Also the prices they quoted me were for the pound. Shouldn't I get a little better on the steel at least by the ton?

  24. #19
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    Absolutey agree with injunjoe/Area67, separate yourself. I have bins dropped off weekly at my warehouse and only put ferrous in the bin. I then have one of my guys load the box truck up with the non-ferrous separately to the yard themselves. Worth it in the end.

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  26. #20
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    I was looking at that refer unit picture drooling! The more you break it down the more you will get in my opinion, it is only a matter of your labor you need consider.

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