Posting reviews and leaving feedback is fine, in fact I'd like to see more members posting their personal reviews and feedback of their dealings with the buyers/sellers. Community is a very important and very powerful thing.
The only thing I'd like to make clear is that, one should only post a review/feedback (positive, neutral or otherwise) if they've personally had dealings with him/her. Bashing or trying to harm someone else's business won't be allowed (of course).
What you've done here olddude is fine and I believe many members here will appreciate the fact you took the time to share your experience. I expect to see the thanks count on your post to grow rather quickly.
When posting a review however, I'd like to ask that everyone NOT make the basis of the entire review on pricing, who pays more than who, I could get more from such and such than with so and so (the pricing factor is readily available by the buyers/sellers themselves or upon request). Everyone has to set their own pricing, and for their own reasons, business is business.
However there are far more factors to be considered when dealing with a buyer or seller than the price per pound or per unit alone. You have professionalism, efficiency, turn-over time, customer service & support, communication, location, etc the 'experience' as a whole.