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My employees and my problems

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    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    My employees and my problems

    Ok so heres my problem I work where theres no power no timeclock and I let my two employees basically work there own hours. I always let them take lunch when they want start when they want. I have one employee who is highly paid to cut scrap I wont say how much but I could hire two guys for what I pay him a week. He isnt really late ever his problem is taking to much time for lunch way ovrr the alloted time. lets put it like this he has taken 2 hour plus lunches this week. I dont usually say anything about it but I am going to change they way I do things come the first of the year I bought an expensive protable time clock. I just want to ask how do u deal with trouble employees who think they work hard but in your opinion are lazy. He hasnt worked a full 40 hour work week in I cant remember how long. he has a new excuse once a week about having to leave early or miss a day all together. it boils down to the fact that he can be a hell of a worker when he works and I like him allot he just doesnt get the fact that he misses to much time. starting on the first 715 to 4 are going to the hours lunch will be 45 mins which I think is fair and after three times of clocking in late I am going to give him three days off and then the next time I am going to fire him. My partner likes him allot to and is getting pevved about his work ethic to. I am gonna give him five unexcused absenses basically unpaid sick days and a week of paid vacation I just want a two week notice on every day he is taking off. I am working on a very strict employee handbook and its time to crap or get off the pot. basically what do u do with an unruly employee who thinks they are worth more then they are. I dont think its to much to ask to work like a champ when you are payed highly. I am done with the excuses and on the verge of firing him. Do any small business owners have a employee handbook and how do u treat them with leaving early or tardiness. Everyone wants a job but not everyone wants to work. the fact is I can train another person and can the problem employee I just don't want it to come that but business is business even if it costs me a friend.

  2. #2
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    1. Document everything in a note book time clock or not. So if he decides to take you to court you have a reason that you fired him.
    2. People that don't show up aren't worth anything because nothing gets done
    3. Friendship is not worth your business, family or whatever
    4. Start brainstorming on ideas of what you want to as an employee standard. You need a handbook on your business and how you want things to be done. IMO no one else can come up with these but you. We may be able to help with idea's but you make the final decision.
    5. Have a meeting once a week or whenever you see/hear something that bothers you.
    6. You might not have a lot of employees, buy them lunch once in a while or something to keep morale up.
    7. Performance bonuses not necessarily cash but maybe gift cards or something like that. If you see them doing things to help at the yard they normally don't don't do.
    8. If you do the Performance Bonus idea, don't tell them. Just put it in with their checks. Then when they ask you tell them. If you tell them first they would do it just for the "bonus" which I personally don't think is right.
    9. One employee a month get the Bonus, not both. Because when on gets it, the word will spread and get them thinking. Not only is the bonus and or lunch once in a while is not only an incentive, but let's them know you appreciate them for what they do.

    I don't in any way mean you don't know how to run your business just some idea's that might help you with problem's in the future.

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    #1 employees always think they are over worked and underpaid, even us, it's human nature.
    #2. Employers always think their workers are over paid and underworked, again human nature, the truth usually is some where in betwen

    I as in the carnival business for several years as a ride?concession owner. I paid my people well enough to make other owners mad. every year during down time about 2 months I took them all home fed them bought their cigs etc. every year they would all leave just before seasion start, I just couldnt figgure it out. what was I doing wrong?

    so I asked arround from some old timers, and they to a person , man or woman. #1 "mike you treat your people too good and pay them too much. this business is a world of its own. there is a certain type person that becomes a carnie. this is their country their home you are their daddy, and these people all want and need tough love. heres what you do. pay them $15 every day for cigs beer and what ever, hold back the rest off their pay till the end of the sesion, if vthey leave before the end of the seasion they dont get the money."

    #2 some time in the first two weeks of the seasion when your crew is all set and they are all with in sight, pick out the big mouth that thinks he king kong and *itch slap him silly for some small reasion.. you will have no more problems. my last few years in business I had few problems.

    Employees will usually take what you let them have, and will treat you your equipment, and the job the way you allow them to.

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    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Well you have been letting them get away with this, so it's going to be a problem making them change there ways. Talk to them one on one and tell them whats up and why the changes are going in place. After that if they mess up again it's on them!

  7. #5
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    I've employed many a drunken carpenter over the years. Rules and expectations including attendance policy along with safety regs signed before they start. When things were really hopping there were 4 hourly crews of 3 and 2-3 sub contractor crews of 2 or 3 men, spread out all over north Denver metro. Each crew was paid a visit by 9am and with the hourly's in particular it was understood what needed to be accomplished that day. As long as the work got done I was pretty lax but if things started lagging, who or what was identified and corrected and dealt with. If attendance became an issue it was documented and if they were fired I always made it clear that by signing when they started they dug their own grave and if they try to file for unemployment I will fight it, no one ever tried to file. As for drug tests, they only had to piss in a cup if they got hurt and worker comp was involved. I had a very dedicated core group that worked hard and played even harder and one of the toughest mornings for me ever was turning a lead man loose that had worked for me for about 7-8 years because drinking was getting the best of him but wasn't ready to get help.
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  8. #6
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    In order to make a change you need to be willing to fire some or all. This is a live and learn situation. Sounds to me like you treated some like partners instead of employees. My next door neighbor and the other employees are getting ready to vote in a union at there place of work. The problem is boss made several promises he failed to keep. By allowing the employee to take extended lunches he is under the impression he is too valuable to fire. He may just be some one who needs to be fired. The other employees will most likely take the hint.

    If it were me I would anounce the following: If you are late you go home without pay. If you do it twice you don't come back. Lunch is 45 minutes, if you come back late its the same as coming in late.

    For me a very simple set of rules to follow. We all have cell phones so if something comes up a call is normally as good as being there for me. Honestly I wish I had such a problem. I wish I had a going business. Health issues will most likely keep me from ever getting there. So be thankful, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  9. #7
    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    thanks for the input everyone its helpfull. Running a business and having supposed full time employees is pretty hard I will keep u updated once I install the timeclock we will see how long he lasts and if he can follow the rules or let the door hit him where the good lord split him.

  10. #8
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    Business first. Tons of people who would kill to have his job, and he obviously is not appreciative to have a job, and is definitely taking a advance.

    I give him 2 week max to straighten up or be fired.
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  11. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    When I had my electronic store I needed some extra help so I hired a friend who used to be my neighbor. He worked for me for a couple of years and after the first one he started coming in late or missing a day completely. I had repeated talks with him about the situation and cut him every break I possibly could. On my final time of talking to him he told me that he did twice as much work as I did and I could not do without him. That comment really steamed me bad as I had completely trained him in CB radio repairs/modifications/installations. He didn't know a thing about it before I hired him. Instead of giving him one more chance, I went ahead and let him go and it was the best thing I did. I found out later from some of my good customers that he was doing some repairs/modifications for cash without any receipts, and putting it in his pocket. He had been doing it for around 6 months I know of. If you don't think your "friends" will steal or lie to you, or take advantage of you, think again cause there is very little loyalty any more. It's just another sign of the times unfortunately.
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    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    I like MikeD's way of thinking. That was along the lines of my thinking as well. I would also have a meeting with all new employees like this is your only warning so don't say I didn't tell you. Hand them a "Handbook" or sheet with all things you expect such as breaks, lunch, attendance, and ect. Give them time to read it and when they are done ask them if they have any questions. So that way they can't say you never told me or I don't remember signing anything. Just pull out what they signed and tada either they'll be in shock and walk away or not know what to say.

  14. #11
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    thanks for the input everyone its helpfull. Running a business and having supposed full time employees is pretty hard I will keep u updated once I install the timeclock we will see how long he lasts and if he can follow the rules or let the door hit him where the good lord split him.

    Yea employees are a blast, I had a Mack gravel truck and a D4D LGP cat both working on the construction of twin golf courses.I get a telephone call one day from the super, he's asking me who do I have driving my truck when I reply Willie an he say no you don't and you get down here right now and straighten this out.

    I'm living about 3 hours from the job site, at least the Super had the decency to call a day before payroll, I was heading down then ext day to collect the day slips then cut checks for my guys. Be darn if Wilie isn't driving my Mack, later that day I pay my cat operator but tell Willie he is not going to get paid until he brings the other fellow forward who has been driving my truck.

    Willie runs off to find the Super who in turn finds me and demands that I cut Willie a check, I refuse telling him that after I pay the absentee driver he'll be covered by my compensation. Not good but Jim rumbles off to leave me to business.

    Finally the kid shows with Willie, I get his SIN number, pay the kid and fire him and Willie both at the same time. Turns out I was over paying and that Willie could hire another driver and pay him less then pocket the rest, plus benefits.

    My conflict with Jim the Super cost me an early departure for the job, those with more seniority are the last to go. If I had to do it all over again I would not change a thing.

    I could have been revengeful, when Willie was working for me I sold him one of the portable Lincoln welders I had. A couple of years later I get a telephone call from a Motel in Edmonton asking if I knew a Willie Little. Curious I ask whats up, the manager tells me that the dud is standing there trying to rent a room with no money using the welder as collateral and wanted to know if I had sold it to him. Of curse I tell him yes, and that I would like to speak with Willie.

    Willie is on the phone, and I tell him that is the last call he'll every make to me.

    My wife and I were cleaning engine blocks for a foundry and making some decent money, we would start at 6 am and be out of there by 1:00 pm, my mother asked me to put a cousin to work the bug shows up at 10:00 am I fired him before noon.

    Piston Scrap you gotta do what ever it takes, there's plenty of unemployed willing to work for a good days pay. Without prejudice if it were me I would hire and train Filipino woman
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-21-2011 at 08:49 PM.

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  16. #12
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    I agree.....shape up or ship out!!

  17. #13
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    I am a general Forman where I work and we have specific rules we enforce , you must set expectations and goals
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
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  18. #14
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    I have have 5 guys working here full time. 4 of the 5 are great, but of course there has to be one. The man who cuts most of our material has little respect for myself or fellow employees. He storms off the jobsite atleast once a month for the most childish things. Instead of communicating with anyone he will walk off until we can figure out what he is upset about.

  19. #15
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Yea employees are a blast, I had a Mack gravel truck and a D4D LGP cat both working on the construction of twin golf courses.I get a telephone call one day from the super, he's asking me who do I have driving my truck when I reply Willie an he say no you don't and you get down here right now and straighten this out.

    I'm living about 3 hours from the job site, at least the Super had the decency to call a day before payroll, I was heading down then ext day to collect the day slips then cut checks for my guys. Be darn if Wilie isn't driving my Mack, later that day I pay my cat operator but tell Willie he is not going to get paid until he brings the other fellow forward who has been driving my truck.

    Willie runs off to find the Super who in turn finds me and demands that I cut Willie a check, I refuse telling him that after I pay the absentee driver he'll be covered by my compensation. Not good but Jim rumbles off to leave me to business.

    Finally the kid shows with Willie, I get his SIN number, pay the kid and fire him and Willie both at the same time. Turns out I was over paying and that Willie could hire another driver and pay him less then pocket the rest, plus benefits.

    My conflict with Jim the Super cost me an early departure for the job, those with more seniority are the last to go. If I had to do it all over again I would not change a thing.

    I could have been revengeful, when Willie was working for me I sold him one of the portable Lincoln welders I had. A couple of years later I get a telephone call from a Motel in Edmonton asking if I knew a Willie Little. Curious I ask whats up, the manager tells me that the dud is standing there trying to rent a room with no money using the welder as collateral and wanted to know if I had sold it to him. Of curse I tell him yes, and that I would like to speak with Willie.

    Willie is on the phone, and I tell him that is the last call he'll every make to me.

    My wife and I were cleaning engine blocks for a foundry and making some decent money, we would start at 6 am and be out of there by 1:00 pm, my mother asked me to put a cousin to work the bug shows up at 10:00 am I fired him before noon.

    Piston Scrap you gotta do what ever it takes, there's plenty of unemployed willing to work for a good days pay. Without prejudice if it were me I would hire and train Filipino woman
    Amen! That super cant force you to do anything...he might have hired your company but he doesnt own it.

  20. #16
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    That one Idiot Is making the good guys see you as a __________ <Insert word here for putting up with His Chit
    WUSS! :eek::eek::eek:

    Kris Kringle told me to,,,

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    Area67 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Man, can I relate to these hassles. I could talk all day about employee problems. Here is what works for me...Give older workers a chance and for fewer hours, Hire women (even if you think it needs a mans muscle) less ego, never hire a cigarette smoker or drinkers. When ever possible pay by the job and give them a reasonable time limit. I also give veterans a chance when ever I can, they have given me the best work overall, especially disabled vets that can still work some. I always buy lunch and I never yell at them. I tell them up front, no call no show no job, ask questions when in doubt, ask for help when you need it (safety first), if you don't like the work move on right away (no hard feelings). Either they care or they don't, handbooks and supervision make no difference in my experience. Best of luck!!

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  24. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    I have one employee who is highly paid to cut scrap I wont say how much but I could hire two guys for what I pay him a week.
    Fire him. It's not economical to pay someone double money, even if they work like a lion all day every day (which he doesn't). If you have two people cutting a standard amount of metal per day that equals the amount cut by a star employee on double money you will have increased flexibility with two employees rather than one employee.

    If one is on holiday or off sick you still have the other one. Ok, if one of the two employees is sick the remaining employee will only cut half the metal of the star employee, but this is better than nothing.

    Also, in terms of training, you can hire a standard cutter easier than you can find a champ. A new employee can also be trained to a standard level a lot quicker than training them to a very high level which often only comes with years of experience anyway.

    Most importantly, a standard employee knows they can't have you over a barrel, because they can be replaced a lot easier.

  25. #19
    rbrooks715 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    so what you really want is some one who will produce twice as much as the last guy, for half the pay, and will take twice as much **** from you.

    maybe you could find someone who will pay you to come and work for you.

    you do realise that you are following reagans neo socialist economic program which got us in the mess we are in.

    rush limbaugh, of all people, stated that minimum wage should be 50k a year. and he proved it by the use of cola and roi. even more amazing is how he proved that the increase in minimum wage would profitable to corporations, company's and the govt. soon after he lost his tv show and was sent back to radio.

  26. #20
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    I don't know about finding someone who will pay to work, but what about a scrap metal intern? Think of all the transfrable skills they could pick up.

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