I'm wondering about this now, now that i found the internet, i dint have computer or internet or even around when i was scraping back then , but i wish i did, so as too check scrap iron prices, and get general info, but anyway were i used too live they had 3 scrap yards, my dad been going too this one for years, there was no way , if we knew we was getting shorted or not , for our short iron or not, let me try too explain, as i noticed it in latter years when i sold short iron, but seems to me theres alot of favortizm in the scrap buss, seems like i was always getting shorted, but now as i check the prices on internet and checked my old records and adjusted for time laspe , i was getting 56 cents less , then was posted for today
scrap prices, yet the guy next too me got full price, grrrrrrr, o - well take it and go i guess, i was wondering if anyboby else notice this , i've been going too same yard for a very long time and i quit going when they change hands, becuse i had my dually full of short iron and dually trl full, and when i got home sure enuff they shorted me.

lesson learnd