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Accepting Credit Cards

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  1. #1
    CMHN started this thread.
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    Accepting Credit Cards

    I know not everybody does business the same way, but I don't pay for most of my scrap and I actually charge for my services. I know not everybody does this and some don't like it, but I'm not here to argue that point in this thread. What I do want to do is share something that has gotten me a little more business, accepting credit cards.

    I use Square, its a reasonable merchant account like Paypal but they supply you with a card reader that plugs into your smart phone.

    The fee is 2.75% per swipe which is reasonable in my opinion.

    You can accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express with the same fee with no hidden costs.

    If you would like to look into it further their website is

    I have been using them for a while now and have had no problems with them.

    Like I said, I'm not interested in discussing ethics or your way of doing business in this thread, only offering some advice for those who may find it useful.
    CMHN Recycling

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  3. #2
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    Yup. I will use this sooner or later when I am ready to take cards...right now its a cash and carry type deal but I hear alot of great things about square
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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMHN View Post
    I know not everybody does business the same way, but I don't pay for most of my scrap and I actually charge for my services. I know not everybody does this and some don't like it, but I'm not here to argue that point in this thread. What I do want to do is share something that has gotten me a little more business, accepting credit cards.

    I use Square, its a reasonable merchant account like Paypal but they supply you with a card reader that plugs into your smart phone.

    The fee is 2.75% per swipe which is reasonable in my opinion.

    You can accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express with the same fee with no hidden costs.

    If you would like to look into it further their website is

    I have been using them for a while now and have had no problems with them.

    Like I said, I'm not interested in discussing ethics or your way of doing business in this thread, only offering some advice for those who may find it useful.
    Please read the fine print with Square. You are only allowed a maximum of $1000.00 USD per 7 days. More than that and they reserve the right to hold the funds for 30 days.

    I've used the service and it's great. Buddy of mine sells pre built servers. He sold 20 grand worth of equipment once and he was not happy when this happened.

    16b. Payout Schedule - Card-Not-Present Sales.
    If you accrue more than $1,000 in card-not-present sales during any trailing seven day period, Square will defer depositing the amount in excess of $1,000 for 30 days. For accounts likely to exceed $1,000 in card-not-present sales per week, contact Square support to inquire about accelerating your payout schedule. Upon receiving this request, or once you exceed $1,000 in weekly card-not-present sales, Square will conduct a review of your Square Account to determine if you qualify for acceleration. Square will consider a variety of factors in making its decision, including but not limited to a proprietary set of rules, chargeback rates, transaction behavior, and other supplemental data about your business.

  5. #4
    CMHN started this thread.
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    That's for card not present sales, but if you use the card reader there is no limit.

  6. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    When I started taking cards at my retail store my business doubled.
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    My wife and I sell used video games and other used stuff at the flea market on weekends. One of the other vendors has just started using such a device. He sells to people I can't. I don't have the card reader or smart phone. I not sure I'm ready to make the changes needed to take credit cards. Its something I've been considering so thank you for bringing this information.

    As far a charging for your services, bravo. Mike.
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  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    Please read the fine print with Square. You are only allowed a maximum of $1000.00 USD per 7 days. More than that and they reserve the right to hold the funds for 30 days.

    I've used the service and it's great. Buddy of mine sells pre built servers. He sold 20 grand worth of equipment once and he was not happy when this happened.
    If you go to their Help Center, it does tell that if you will be taking over $1,000 manually, they can up the limit.

    What I find funny, is all the stuff they do NOT accept payments for. Look at number 28...I would think it come in nice for that lol.
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  9. #8
    CMHN started this thread.
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    But the funny thing about that is, they have no idea what your collecting money for. All they know is what you type on the phone, and you can put anything in that subject line. Guess they have to put that list up to cover their back sides, you know its a legal thing.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMHN View Post
    I know not everybody does business the same way, but I don't pay for most of my scrap and I actually charge for my services. I know not everybody does this and some don't like it, but I'm not here to argue that point in this thread. What I do want to do is share something that has gotten me a little more business, accepting credit cards.

    I use Square, its a reasonable merchant account like Paypal but they supply you with a card reader that plugs into your smart phone.

    The fee is 2.75% per swipe which is reasonable in my opinion.

    You can accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express with the same fee with no hidden costs.

    If you would like to look into it further their website is

    I have been using them for a while now and have had no problems with them.

    Like I said, I'm not interested in discussing ethics or your way of doing business in this thread, only offering some advice for those who may find it useful.
    Looks simple enough and easy to use. At least they give you free equipment.

    Only people that I know of that are slightly cheaper is 5linx. However, the only free way to take cards is via a website. Other wise, you have to buy a machine from their seller.

    Only thing I am not cool with, is if you issue a refund, your money can be held up a few days. Guess I will have "no refund" policy...either that, or just write them a check.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMHN View Post
    But the funny thing about that is, they have no idea what your collecting money for. All they know is what you type on the phone, and you can put anything in that subject line. Guess they have to put that list up to cover their back sides, you know its a legal thing.
    Of course..

    I know a few who do escorts. Not the sexual kind, but just the companion kind. They make some crazy money too!

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Only thing I am not cool with, is if you issue a refund, your money can be held up a few days. Guess I will have "no refund" policy...either that, or just write them a check.

    Just some quick advice. You never want to refund a credit card transaction with cash or check. It opens you up to being scammed.

    Customer pays with credit card
    You refund with check/cash
    Customer has his credit card company issue a chargeback against you
    Credit Card processor withdraws funds from your account
    You are out double your money

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  14. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight View Post

    Just some quick advice. You never want to refund a credit card transaction with cash or check. It opens you up to being scammed.

    Customer pays with credit card
    You refund with check/cash
    Customer has his credit card company issue a chargeback against you
    Credit Card processor withdraws funds from your account
    You are out double your money
    Not if your smart enough to contact their credit card company, and inform them that you wrote their client a check, instead of doing a refund via a credit card. Then the only thing you might have to do, is provide them some proof that the check was indeed written.

    I for one, don't foresee any issues, as I haven't had those issues as of yet.

    Most payments are always done by Cash or Check for me.

    Clients know that if a check bounces, I give them 72 hours to make it good, if that don't happen, I turn it in to the authorities for a worthless check.

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  16. #13
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    I signed up over the weekend with Square. I figure it will probably be better, then shelling out a few hundred dollars by going with 5linx and having to buy one of their costly machines. We shall see.

    Only thing I have to decide on, whether to make the customer pay the 2.75% fee for using their CC, or just bite the bullet and pay for it myself.

    Haven't truly decided yet.

    On another note, for anyone using Square right now, do you know if there is a way to integrate with an existing site. So if someone buys something, the payment goes directly to square, instead of saying to them "Your card transaction was successful" and then I enter the numbers myself manually, and it declines the card?

  17. #14
    CMHN started this thread.
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    I don't think they have that option yet, they are growing and improving the system so maybe in the future they will.

  18. #15
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    Only thing I have to decide on, whether to make the customer pay the 2.75% fee for using their CC, or just bite the bullet and pay for it myself.
    Just mark up your charging amount by the 2.75% before quoting the price, that way the price comes out the same.

  19. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Just mark up your charging amount by the 2.75% before quoting the price, that way the price comes out the same.
    I can easily do that for Junk Removal jobs, because I don't list prices, but I do charge for metal pickups, depending on location and quantity, and if it is going to require a lot of work to get it onto my trailer or truck.

  20. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I signed up over the weekend with Square. I figure it will probably be better, then shelling out a few hundred dollars by going with 5linx and having to buy one of their costly machines. We shall see.

    Only thing I have to decide on, whether to make the customer pay the 2.75% fee for using their CC, or just bite the bullet and pay for it myself.

    Haven't truly decided yet.

    On another note, for anyone using Square right now, do you know if there is a way to integrate with an existing site. So if someone buys something, the payment goes directly to square, instead of saying to them "Your card transaction was successful" and then I enter the numbers myself manually, and it declines the card?
    Just FYI you can't say outright that you are making them pay the additional fee. This is pretty much SOP for all credit card terminal companies.

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  22. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjybjy View Post
    Just FYI you can't say outright that you are making them pay the additional fee. This is pretty much SOP for all credit card terminal companies.
    Thanks for the link....i read all the stuff the other day, but some how over looked that.

    However, not to start a debate, or argument, but i have done business with a few and they have it stated that all credit card chargess will incure an additional fee. Guess it just depends on who the company is in this particular case.

    I signed up with another CC processor through my hosting company that charges 1.99% per transaction, so i will try both and see which is the better one.

    Really like square so far from what i have read. I would use 5linx but the machines are a bit costly.

  23. #19
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    Charges are a cost of doing business and should be factored into what you charge. If spread out to all your customers the cost is minimal enough to them to the point that they have no clue yet not a liability as far as your concerned. Also need to remember it will be considered a write-off in tax filings.
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  24. #20
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjybjy View Post
    Just FYI you can't say outright that you are making them pay the additional fee.
    Last I had heard it is against the law to charge for credit card fees. What I did when I had my garage door company was to offer a cash discount. That covered the cost of the use of a credit card and encouraged my customers to pay by cash or check, ( I considered a check same as cash).
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