Alright. I had a great idea a few days ago. Been mulling it over and finally decided to ask yall. I've gotten my dads ideas, but theirs some things he just dont know lol.

So i do alot of work with a very large company that will remain nameless. We'll call them FRANK. (I'm insane, leave me alone)

Well, frank gives me a bunch of e-scrap every week. Frank also cuts the cords off of the e-scrap that i get, and all other e-scrap that i dont get. It's then put into a LARGE (believe it's 8x5 ft) metal bucket. The scrap yard comes to pick it up, and gives them .25 cents a pound. They include all wire in this bucket, and they NEVER snip any ends off whatsoever. If it's wire of any kind, it goes in the bucket.

Frank has many locations where i live. 4 i believe. We have a pretty good working relationship, i've worked hard to make friends with everyone that i meet.

What i want to propose to Frank, is that if you give me all your wire, i will cut all the ends off, clean it all up, separate it into the different categories, sell it, and i will get 10% of the payout. I figured, if they're only getting .25 cents a pound, on lets say what, 800 pounds? of wire, that's not a whole lot of money. But separated, and cleaned, i can bump that .25 a pound, up to anywhere between $1-1.50 a pound.

I will give Frank back all ends that i snip, so they can include them in their metal buckets.

Pops had the idea of buying outright all of Franks wire from them, at .30 cents a pound. Doing that, id have to have money upfront. I simply don't have that kind of cash rollin' around.

People of the wonderful scrap metal forum, how would YOU go about talking to Frank, and explaining this too him? And does 10% sound fair to you?

Any input is appreciated!