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time to toughen up

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    time to toughen up

    times are tough and getting tougher. Prices are down and we see new scrappers here every day. that indicates the compitition is growing by the hundreds if not thousands every day.

    you just have to do what ever you have to do. that means different things to different scrappers depending where you are on the pecking list.

    I have 4 or 5 good deals working, but those dont count untill they are on the ground in my yard.

    do what you have to to keep moving forward you need to get on the phone do it. ya need to make cold calls do it. if ya have money NOW is the time to buy. no matter what happens to the economy, the only thing that is going to happen to scrap is that a % of it will get even more valuable. use your most important tools, your brain and this forum, educate your self. the day I stop learning is the day they pull the sheet over my head.

    I spent the last couple of days stripping 28 Ga computer wire with my thumb nail, only got about 5 lbs. but thats 5 Lbs I didnt have a couple of days ago.
    just mi .02

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  3. #2
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    Don't panic if scrap prices go down somewhat, either. The important factor is the relative value factor. For instance - How much gas will that ton of iron buy now. You may be getter fewer dollars but more "gas per ton" than at the higher scrap price. Speculation isn't necessarily good or bad. Learn to read the market and make your best guess.

    Along with what olddude said, find a way to be different from the others. Stand out. Make yourself known. If you just follow the crowd, nobody will tell you from all the other scrap dealers (good and bad) out there.
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  5. #3
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    They say you only have one chance to make a first impression, but if you treat every chance as though is was your first you are going to look that much more impressive.

    Professional looking adds, answer the phone like you mean business("Hello, this is________."), be on time and ready to do what you said you will do, firm handshake, clean and organized, agree on compensation before starting,complete job in time frame outlined and leave it looking better then you found it.
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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    I spent the last couple of days stripping 28 Ga computer wire with my thumb nail, only got about 5 lbs. but thats 5 Lbs I didnt have a couple of days ago.
    just mi .02
    That's pretty hardcore. I know I'm not out there doing that.
    There's nothing more fun and more effective than hitting something repeatedly with a sledgehammer

  8. #5
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    Thank you for the good reminder olddude your right.

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