Well....I could be starting something new...but not to shocking with the type of company I am in. I have been on and off the phone with a small group of people and they want to bring me in as a partner on a "Cash for Gold" type deal where we buy gold and all of that good crap.....they think I can take there two stores turn them into something bigger and better and on top of that they want me to start a new store up, staff it and run it

Thats the short story..there are alot of details I left out as this would be very long post...but here very shortly I will be buying gold and silver jewelry and other things like that and the prices we will be paying will be crazy...(There is a guy with deep pockets who wants all the gold...)

Just something small and I thought I would put it out there =)

So...whats next that I am going to get my self into??