there are DIRTY scrappers in my city I tried to work with a bit they give cash if you give them an appliance they seem to be doing good so I talked to them about giving me the cash if they did the calls for pickups that I cant handle.
so this is how SH#% when bad the first fridge went perfect I gave them an address for a fridge pick up they gave me 10 bucks and i did nothing. the very next address I sent them too they said "the scrap was not there some one else must have taken it".
ok time to set up a sting. I put a fridge on the lawn of my buddies house Dan and made the call while I watched from the window drinking beer. they came did the pick up. i saw them.
they called "hey i cant find this fridge are you sure you got the right address?" i nearly killed him over the phone. I have never been so mad.....I don't want to talk about it. I don't lose my cool very often but then I did.
and here is his local classified advertisement feel free to set up a pick time in your state