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Not in VA. People post on telephone poles all the time. Almost at every intersection you see some sort of advertising. Most are on bandit signs though.
I can see where you would think that, because everyone is doing it, it must be legal.
"You’ve seen them: thick, black-lettered signs mounted on utility poles that hawk
weight loss services, legal aid or offers to buy your home. Or the flyers stapled to
sign poles that litter our sidewalks advertising home improvement services. Or the
“popsicle signs” unloaded from vehicle trunks and stuck in the grass off the shoulders
of roads or bike paths that give directions to open houses, new housing developments
or apartment complexes, or tout new businesses and sales. Even yard and garage sale
signs or lost pet flyers. All of these types of signs are illegal in the City of Manassas
and bear monetary penalties to those in violation of the City’s ordinance, which
governs signs in right-of-way areas.
While it may appear not to present a danger, illegal signs can be extremely
hazardous since signs of this nature block the view of motorists and pedestrians, or
sometimes force pedestrians into traffic. Staples or nails used to post signs can
damage the structural integrity of utility poles, thereby creating a hazard for utility
Unless this regulation is no longer in effect? Somehow I doubt they would remove it.