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need advice on computer buy

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    need advice on computer buy

    turns out this 300 computer buy is interlaced with monitors and printers. the guy refers to every thing as a computer. he believes he can get $2000 from company in Tampa.

    what he has is a 30 ft horse trailer packed a little over half full front to back side to side, but like I said there are also printers and monitors. I would have to unload the whole trailer to know exactly how many actual computers ther are. dont get me wrong there are a lot, just not sure there are 300. if there were 300 the price would amertise at $7.50 per comp.marginal buy in my opinion, and would not want to share that gamble with any one else.

    there is a picture on craigs list panama city, I have been working on this for a couple of weeks, just can not get him to budge. just called he and offered $6 per computer and >10 cents per lb for the rest. he turned it down.

    I am afraid it is like one of those poker hands like a flush you have to throw away because you are pretty sure the other guy has a full house.

    some of you e scrap guys take a look and tell me what you think.

  2. #2
    tackleberry's Avatar
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    I think your last offer was very fair. If he was going to bring all the material to you, I would do a little more, but not much. That's going to be a lot of labour

  3. #3
    Otto is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Panama City to Tampa is about 500 miles round trip. Hauling that load would cost him a pretty penny plus he would lose a day. I would think $1,500 in Panama City would put him ahead of going to Tampa for $2,000.

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  5. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I don't deal with escrap enough to accurately estimate value. That being said, I would have a tough time shelling out that kind of money without making sure he didn't cherry pic the good stuff before tossing them in there, the guy is a junker after all and may very well know what some of the filling is worth. Looking at his website, he's pretty proud of his stuff and I'm curious how long he has had some of it. Seems you've been doing well with the other deals going on so you might have some wiggle room here...Call his bluff.
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  7. #5
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    problem with that is, he has no common sence, and is stubborn as a mule, he has been trying to sell these for $2000 for a long time, they are all old mid 80 and early 90s. looks like they have been there for years. he would rather take them to tampa for $2000 and lose money rather then use his head and sell them to me. he has to make a monthly trip to so florida any way and dosent consider the extra fuel cost empty vs. loaded. aside from that no scrap yard or e waste buyer is going to pay him $7.50 per piece including monitors and printers. I just cant convince him of that. he will be happy to getr $2000 no matter what it cost him, because in his mind that makes him right andif he gets less he will never admit I was right. you know the type.

    he has it back on craigs list. some fool with gold feaver and no brains will buy it.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 02-03-2012 at 10:50 AM.

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  9. #6
    Ace is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Looking at the pictures I can pick out a couple of the PC's. There's old dell Optiplex GX series maybe maybe GX100. They had I think a 700mhz to 2 GB processor. SO nothing old. For $2000. I don't think I would touch it.

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  11. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Hold your ground O.D. I know you keep looking at the pic and chomping at the bit, I've done it myself . You keep checking that add then you'll be talking yourself into it. You have to draw the line somewhere and still make a decent profit.
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  12. #8
    thortek's Avatar
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    He's WAY overpriced on every car on his website. Do this. Show up to look at it in person. Open a couple of the PC's to make sure they are not just empty cases. Take Whatever you think is a fair price in $1 bills. Have them wrapped in bundles of $50. Once you're satisfied with the lot for the price YOU want to pay, unlock your briefcase and show him the money. Tell him how much is there, and tell him that this is all the lot is worth. If he says NO, then turn around and walk away. if he let's you get to the car...then he's a stubborn old fool....and you didn't want his load of stuff anyways.
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  14. #9
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    he's way overpriced on every car on his website. Do this. Show up to look at it in person. Open a couple of the pc's to make sure they are not just empty cases. Take whatever you think is a fair price in $1 bills. Have them wrapped in bundles of $50. Once you're satisfied with the lot for the price you want to pay, unlock your briefcase and show him the money. Tell him how much is there, and tell him that this is all the lot is worth. If he says no, then turn around and walk away. If he let's you get to the car...then he's a stubborn old fool....and you didn't want his load of stuff anyways.
    i like that idea

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  16. #10
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    the average price paid by a ewaste company is

    Complete PC $0.49 / #
    Incomplete PC $0.39 / #

    looking at approx 5 dollars ea profit if complete

    with that kind of quanity it would be a safe bet (not great) but i would only do it on a piece basis and avoid the printers / monitors - to time consuming

  17. #11
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    Perhaps you could have someone go down and hit him hard with a low ball price. I mean really push hime hard and talk down all the extra stuff. You come in and soft sell up to $5-$6 each plus a little for the extra stuff. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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