all good advice: I think the take along and coffee chat thing is where to start, employees feel very special and proud to have coffee with the boss. there are some mitigating circomstances here. !. he is young, most of youth today are not like you, and just dont have the disipline you have. 2. obviously if he is caring for a younger sibling there is a parental problem an he was probably never taught any responsability, and has learned some on his own, i.e. he does work he does take care of his brother. all of that said, you do have a company to run. A company depends on its employees to succede, one broken cog in the gears of the machine slow the whole machine, other employees see his tardiness and it will not have a good affect on them if it continues. I had multi copy dissaplin report pads made for such things. over the years I have had to let go some employees who had become very good friends, some who had problems not of their own making, and relitivs who were very close. this was the toughest part of being an owner for me. Have the talk with him, maybe have a talk with the other employees, but in the end ya gotta do what ya gotta do. to me the worst part of being a boss.