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So whats the next step?

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  1. #1
    Dunemaul started this thread.
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    So whats the next step?

    I went from diving in dumpsters before i found this site, Started driving around once I started to lurk around and read the info. Now i just focus on Escrap........ Which is great and the money is decent, but I think it can be better.

    So i started researching gold and other precious metal refining options. And turns out i understand the process and can get everything i need locally with the money i have made just from scrapping. I call this cash my fun cash cause it all comes from the trash.

    So now i sit here and ponder how to set this system up and what am i going to need in order to run safely.

    And once i get the system running what am i gonna feed it besides golf fingers....... I guess its just time to step up my game and do some major research on the topic. All i know is if i get to see a lump of gold by 4 months time and effort i will be stoked as hell.

    Any helpful sites would be welcome if anyone else has ever given this adventure a try.

  2. #2
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    the hardest lesson for me has been paitence, and the urge to move forward before I am ready. 50 + years and I can't get this lesson through my , head.

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Many members here have referred to... I am not a member, just know what I've heard here and that is it's a great site, tread lightly as a noob, its dangerous, takes time and money etc...Good luck.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  5. #4
    Dunemaul started this thread.
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    thanks you two, KZB im actually on the site right now going over safety precautions. And Olddude thanks ill remember to take my time with my new project and understand want im doing at every point before i get down to work. Time i got all that i need cept when i asleep, as for money well i got friends that love to invest in my work cause it always doubles there investment, trick is i just have to get the baby example built made and producing, plus lists upon list of recovery amounts and reams of data on manufacturing of parts for content used.

    My main job is a video editor for studios, freelancers, and students around the world. And get most of my business from word to mouth or previous work being seen. But when you edit videos you have huge amounts of time when I render out my work, so i fill this gap with e-scraping/ other pm hobbies. And i tend to get the job done at a quick pace so I keep my time open.

    Id like to use that time to be doing something that i learned from my father soooo long ago when i was a little kid in the back yard. Then pass it on one day, cause if the world goes to ****, and you dont have enough guns you better be useful to someone that does have them :-p lol i been watching to much Doomsday Preppers.

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