As a yard operator, I may have a slightly different view on this subject.
I think that some of the laws are not only (in some case) a good idea, but they are successful. I do not have a problems with requiring a valid ID, it's practically impossible to walk down the street without one these days. I also do not have a problem with keeping information on my customers vehicles. And every customer I have must sign a statement that says "I am the lawful owner of this material and have not obtained it by illegal means" before they get paid. Every one of my scales has a camera, and every ticket that is started keeps pictures of every commodity sold tied to it in my database. I face very heavy penalties if I ever disclose this information to anyone but a law enforcement officer investigating a specific case.
Because of this record keeping, we are able to both assist law enforcement AND help keep our legitimate scrappers from being investigated when they may have brought in something that while matching the general description of a stolen item is very different in appearance. I tell my customers all the time that if they have legitimate scrap, I'm the only yard to come to. If they have stolen material, I'm the last yard they want to sell at.
Is it a perfect solution, absolutely not. It does drive stolen materials to smaller, "grey market" yards. An requiring a "scrap license" does nothing that cannot already be accomplished with better record keeping by licensed yards. Is expensive for a yard to put in the type of system that we invested in, which means that place like us are few and far between.
At the risk of sounding hokey, if you have legitimate problems with the laws you are forced (or may be forced) to operate under, contact your state representative and local government. They are paid to listen and most of them actually will.
Let the flaming begin.