As I had mentioned, I really thought it was a spin off of your company Highvoltage.
When we put our site together there was nothing like it. I have seen several new sites pop up literally copying and pasting our FAQ sections.
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As I had mentioned, I really thought it was a spin off of your company Highvoltage.
When we put our site together there was nothing like it. I have seen several new sites pop up literally copying and pasting our FAQ sections.
I jest...
Ok Jim I understand u do business in 15 States but this sounds more like b**ching. And complaining to me. Get hardcore about it hit his area hard with ads or emails or cold calls to other scrap yards. Stop b**ching about his website and putt him out of business. Then that solves the problem about wire, website, and less competition. Hitting someone in there pocketbook is the hardest punch I have ever thrown.....
There was nothing of the sort. The boards were dead and I thought this would make for an interesting discussion. I believe it has been interesting to say the least and at least one person has come up with a new slogan.
Intellectual property discussions are not something typically found in this forum and I believe it was a breath of fresh air. Besides, would you rather have another, my day sucked/awesome, how do you (insert commonly asked question here), or should I strip thread?
Himmmm that last one could be interesting with the right poster. :-)
A should I strip thread or how about a how much would it take to get me to strip thread.
How many threads would Joe have to strip to be profitable??????
LOL ill pay him to keep his clothes on ;)
He pm me. I had no idea when I posted the thread who owned the company. He said he would not advertise here anymore. I told him that was silly and there is no issue with him advertising or posting in this forum. We are talking now about the site.
Cool. Glad to see that it didn't have to come down to lawyers and lawsuits. Looks like the two of you are handling it just fine between yourselves. Thumbs up!
Good ole communication between 2 people goes a long way. Hell who knows you could end up doing business together.
Customer service and honest dealing are the cornerstones of long term business success. I have been copied and ripped off for years and I am still standing, with out fail the imitators are all long gone ( including 1 large corporation..long story). Check out Alvin Toffler's 5 principals of successful business tactics for the information age ( reread Future Shock, then read War and Anti-War). He addresses intellectual theft brilliantly.