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  1. #1
    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    I need something that works....Am willing to spend a little money...I buy certain things but mainly pick up scrap for free or charge for hauling trash and doing cleanouts....PM if interested and u have the ability to help me

  2. #2
    Otto's Avatar
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    Dollar for dollar, I think networking is the most effective method of marketing your business. I can recommend:

    1. Chambers of Commerce - Around here they usually hold free early evening events called "Business After Hours". It's normally sponsored by one of the member businesses as a way of putting the spotlight on their business. Bring business cards and prepare a 15 - 30 second elevator speech that tells people what you do. At some point in the evening everyone is given the opportunity to introduce themselves. You don't often see junk hauling or recycling businesses at these events so there shouldn't be much competition. It's a great way to put yourself in front of a crowd of business people, many of whom will need your services. Chambers also hold breakfast or lunch meetings or seminars which will cost to attend.

    2. A formal networking group such as "Business Networking International (BNI)". BNI groups are organized into chapters with only one member per business category. That is, one plumber, one real estate agent, one lawyer, etc. The purpose of these groups is to exchange business referrals amongst themselves. For example, I am in the flooring business and often get asked if I know of a good painter, electrician or whatever. I've gotten to know and trust the members in my group so, naturally, I recommend one of the members in my BNI chapter. The cost of being a member of this group is around $500.00 per year plus another $500.00 per year for the breakfasts during our meetings. Chapters are always looking for new members, provided their business category is vacant. I've been a member of a BNI chapter for the past nine years. So far, I've always gotten more out of being a member than it has cost. (Otherwise, I wouldn't continue with it.) Google BNI to find a chapter near you. If your business category isn't filled in the chapter, ask if you can visit one of their meetings - the cost would normally be that of your breakfast or lunch. There are also other networking groups modeled on BNI that you may want to check out.

    If someone has problems speaking in front of a crowd "Toastmasters" can help with public speaking and it can also be a good networking opportunity. Heck, I even had an installer who got a ton of business from his AA meetings. You just have to put yourself out there.

    Over the years I've spent a lot of money on advertising. None of it has been more effective than networking.

    Hope this helps.

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  4. #3
    thortek's Avatar
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    I've seen a lot of success on the E-Waste side with simply emailing the Tech Coordinators at the schools and businesses in my area. I offer free removal of out of date technology etc. I've hit a bit of a "lull" after my initial first big push, but I know a wave is coming. They all keep telling "soon".

    I've been handing out business cards like crazy at computer repair shops and tv repair shops, and started networking at Thrift Stores.
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    When it gets warmer start hitting the yard sales with the business cards, especially if you do haul off's. 6 months after we did ours we still got calls for large screen tv's and freezers.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 02-19-2012 at 12:05 AM.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  6. #5
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    You might want to look into a simple newspaper ad. After getting flagged off of craigslist so many times I put an ad in the local paper under the business section in the classifieds. Basically it's just a small business card type thing, but it's brought in alot of business so far. Just an idea.

  7. #6
    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    All the ideas sound great and I of course have done most of these....I was more looking for an advertising service or individual who could help create an advertising plan to take me to the next level

  8. #7
    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    I just looked at the local chamber of commerce and that is an interesting idea....Thanks again

  9. #8
    elitelawnteam1's Avatar
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    I ordered 2 magnets for my doors from Vistaprint, when i go out scrapping on trash days, (like yesterday for example) a guy stopped me and asked if I take rotors? and I said yes. All he had to do was honk his horn, and i pulled over and he pulled along side of me.

    I ended up getting quite a few rotors.

    most scrappers are mexican, can't speak english. some people feel intimidated by them, and vise versa. But I'm not mexican, instantly that makes me more approachable. That, and combined that I speak professionally, have signage, and wear a hi-viz sweatshirt, makes me get the better chance of getting stopped by someone (except a cop)

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by elitelawnteam1 View Post
    I ordered 2 magnets for my doors from Vistaprint, when i go out scrapping on trash days, (like yesterday for example) a guy stopped me and asked if I take rotors? and I said yes. All he had to do was honk his horn, and i pulled over and he pulled along side of me.

    I ended up getting quite a few rotors.

    most scrappers are mexican, can't speak english. some people feel intimidated by them, and vise versa. But I'm not mexican, instantly that makes me more approachable. That, and combined that I speak professionally, have signage, and wear a hi-viz sweatshirt, makes me get the better chance of getting stopped by someone (except a cop)
    This is why I support the new strict rules for scrappers. It would increase the quality of service that scrappers can provide considering the ones that are in it for quick cash wouldn't be able to ruin the image of the industry.

  12. #10
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    I fully agree with networking. If you are under the age of 40, you could also think about joining the Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce). Their dues are significantly less (around $50-$75 per year). I am actually in the process of joining the International Order of the Oddfellows. I will be the youngest member by about 20 years, but it will be a great way to make some connections and network.

    Mod..."This is why I support the new strict rules for scrappers." This will inevitably do more bad than good for our industry. It will essentially create a "grey market" where the tweakers are still stealing scrap, just selling it to smaller, more seedy yards. Get tough on the thieves and the yards that knowingly buy stolen goods. Have stronger penalties for the bad guys and create a task force in larger cities to combat the problem. Don't punish everyone in the industry because a few bad seeds need their drug fix.

  13. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mod View Post
    This is why I support the new strict rules for scrappers. It would increase the quality of service that scrappers can provide considering the ones that are in it for quick cash wouldn't be able to ruin the image of the industry.
    Actually, it won't do anything of the sort.

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  15. #12
    mikeinreco started this thread.
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    I already have signs on my truck, biz cards, advertisements on craigslist etc....I made over 800 dollars on auction yesterday but I am making it all happen myself, not getting any calls is my problem Oh well I will just keep doing what I'm doing it seems to work it would just be nice to get some service calls every now and then to break the monotony of making $800 a day...LOL

  16. #13
    elitelawnteam1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    I am into Strict rules like Introducing ones self on the forum.
    what exactly are these new stricter rules? I never heard of them. Different states? Chicago has a very large illegal population, there are hundreds of these trucks (starting to see a few new faces too). Illinois and Chicago are Democrat terratory. The politicians aren't going to change a THING!

  17. #14
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    we had 40,000 new laws and regs (rules) last year . hows that workin for ya?

    "rules and law only apply to those who follow them. and provides more wealth for those who dont" mcw 2/21/12

  18. #15
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    Make sure your business has prominent branding before your worry about your advertising campaign. A name and a slogan that sticks, an "image", and so forth. Have you thought about bus bench advertising? How about direct mail? Leave a business card anywhere, join some associations. I'd also find a way to incorporate scraping into another business say electronics recycling in partnership with schools and non profit orgs as a fund raising method. Now you can setup marketing tables at any local community events like earth days, green expos, farmers markets, or whatever it is to get your name out there. Find landlord networks or associations, realtors and property managers and offer clean out services, just other extensions of the business to get your name out there and foot in the doors.

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