NZ prices are highish, not heading up fast, just a good solid price.
Our NZ$ is worth US$0.83cents.
So to convert NZ$ to US$, just work out 83% of the number you want to convert.
And its in Kg, 1 Kg = 2.2Lbs
Aluminium > Cans- $1.10 Cast- $1.16 Clip- $1.24 Domestic- $1.16 Extrusion- $1.45 Irony- $0.31
Copper > No 1- $8.04 No 2- $7.52 Domestic- $7.17 Burnt- $7.17 Radiators- $4.37
Gunmetal > Solids- $5.77 Swarf- $4.90
Brass > Mixed- $5.16 Swarf- $4.20
Stainless > Solids- $1.36 Oversize- $1.00 Swarf- $0.50
Batteries- $ 0.60 Lead- $1.37 Lead Head Nails- $0.35 Elec. Motors- $0.74 Zinc- $0.15
Wiring Looms- $1.40 Carbys- $0.35
Steel /Ton/1000Kgs
Heavy Steel- $290.00 Lightgrade No. 2- $200.00 Car Bodies- $100.00
Interesting fact find.
Theres a Aluminum smelter in NZ.
They get Alumina from Australia & other stuff from overseas & the hydropower electricity here in NZ.
Due to the prices of Ali being so low for a while, they decided to look at smelting scrap Ali thats been sourced here.
Its Aluminum cans mostly but they do other Ali's in different pots/cells, normally a cell will produce 1 ton Ali a day from aluminia.
So I guess they are doing about 5 ton+ of recycled Ali a day.
Now, due to this, our Ali
scrap prices are about 40% higher than the above prices,
ie NZ$1.50/Kg Ali cans
US$0.55 cents a Lb for Ali cans