this post may seem to be off thread but it is not.
this is ,for the most part, a learning forum. any one who has been in the scrap business for a short while, understands, this is a dangerous business, considering what we deal with every day and the methods and tools employed. that said. There are times when we all make mistakes or are wrong in method , and there for we all give info from time to time that is proven wrong. we are after all human.
but it has reciently come to light the possability that certain posters may well be telling out right lies.
maybe the lies at this point are harmless, but, at what point do they become dangerous.
We have many newbs weekly who rely on the info gathered here. It is my humble opinion that any one found to be giving info of ANY kind, found to be an out right lie presents the potential, for giving info that can be harmfull if not deadly.
It is my opinion these people should be absolutly banned from the forum period, to prevent potential harm to other members and the forum it self.