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My name is Melanie I need advice re market value

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  1. #1
    Melanie started this thread.
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    My name is Melanie I need advice re market value

    Hi, my neighbors had to all move from the property next door, bank repo...and one of them left behind crates and crates of welding rod. It had been stored in the shed. When I arrived on the scene the door had been left open, dont know for how long. Any way, I got the truck and loaded it up. My motorhead friends gave me the low down on old rod and how it has to be kept just so...or its pretty much crap if its been out in the elements, seen moisture, way old etc. So what looks like crap and I tossed aside in the pile, I shouldnt have probably mixed them up, but Im separating them now, and stripping their coat off. What should I expect from the guys (whoever they are) who watch me come in with this stuff, and what kind of prices should I expect to be told.... and what should I do with the rest? I hate to try to sell it as rod, if I cant weld with it first to make sure its not also for the scrap pile, but Ive got 25 different varieties, the cans they came in look waaay old, but some never opened... anyway I dont want to sell substandard anything on ebay and I have like 350 pounds here, I can list what they are..... if anyone cares to hear em and wouldnt mind helping a girl out, with average CMV... This isnt my normal area of expertise....however ask me about CMV for anything else you can find people collecting out there and theres a demand and a market for, and theyre buying it, its likely I can help you with your subject item of unfamiliarity. Ive got a list here:
    ra 330
    i know it depends on the mm of the rod, price wise too.... i just dont recognize mm size by sight so its trying my patience trying to figure out whats what. Any ideas what to expect and do I have to take the stripped scrap rod to a specialty recycler or will any yard take it generally?

  2. #2
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    did you get permission from anyone to go inside your neighbors house ?

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  4. #3
    Melanie started this thread.
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    Of course I didnt go into my neighbors HOUSE and permission is prerequisite to taking

    The property had been forclosed upon, all three homes on it had been vacated, and I was friends with one of the couples who lived there before having to move, and it was less than an hour before the dumpster, marshalls were scheduled to arrive, and everyone had been notified way ahead what was what, about any leftovers and whether or not they were coming back for them. This was all left in an outside shed and the people had spoken to my boss prior to leaving the week before, and had no intention of returning there. I live on property adjacent and work for a man who owns the property directly in front of this one, and mine. So yeah, I definitely was welcome to it.
    This is actually in Lake Elsinore where there is alot more than 100 feet of space between our neighbors and selves, if you know what I mean.

  5. #4
    Melanie started this thread.
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    Im not at all into hinky deeds. let me clarify: DOOR TO THE SHED LEFT OPEN so I dont know how long they being moisturized.... was my point.
    Last edited by Melanie; 03-02-2012 at 08:11 AM. Reason: grammar and specifics unclear, run on sentences.. blah blahblah

  6. #5
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Welcome Melanie. Please don't be offended by the question. The moderators work very hard to make sure that thieves re not allowed into the forum. Ron just wanted to make sure everything was on the up-and-up.

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  8. #6
    Melanie started this thread.
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    Oh I totally understand. What offends me, is when something doesnt sound right, or seems questionable, and people DONT ASK. Or they pretend it doesnt matter how someone came up, rightfully or not, -so long as it didnt come off their stack. Because I gotta wonder how looking the other way doesnt make them sideways too.

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  10. #7
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    Why don't you try Craigslist, that way you can make an appointment with the potential buyer and they will know exactly what they're buying. If it's still usable it's worth way more than scrap.
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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  12. #8
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    In order to get any value out of it you are going to have to knock the flux off of it. Separate it and have the yard shoot it with there niton gun. Good luck.

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  14. #9
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    6013 are general purpose rods, if they are not rusty, then they are OK to weld with if they are dried out properly in a hot oven.

    Probably the same with most of the rods if the flux is solid & not flaking off.

    Your rod numbers are different from what I/we use here.

    Most steel rods are worth about US$40 for 6lbs new. Stainless steel rods are worth more, sometimes $2 each.

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