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e bay co-op

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    e bay co-op

    I as well as many others here hate dealing with e bay and pay pal. some out there love it. so maybe heres a win win. start an e bay co-op. some intel guru out there set it up and run it for say 10%. that would be a 25% cost of sale total. I can live with that with out the hastle of e bay. just a thought.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind it as I have been selling off some of my old inventory from my store I closed down and also computer and other misc. stuff. Here is a link so you can see my feedback, almost 500 at 100%.
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  3. #3
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    That took me to my ebay account. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  4. #4
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    They have seller assistant. I am in the middle of a big sale for someone locally. A big collection of old toys and collectable nascar stuff. Not worth my time. I have so much stuff to do and sell of my own that this just kills me to sell for others. I charge 15% after fees and shipping is paid. That leaves him with about 60%.

    On a toy he sold for $70, with free shipping, I got a few bucks, but had to photo, list, pack and ship it... not only that, but it burns up my 50 free listing a month...

    needless to say... I took my name off seller assistant and won't be doing that again.....

    I just broke 2000 on my feedback.

  5. #5
    Victor's Avatar
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    I was working with a guy for a while on a 50/50 split after expenses, fees and shipping last year. I did the acquiring, write-up and photo's while he listed, packed and shipped. Ran it thru his accounts. It turned into a bit of a hassle to get paid my split in a timely manner and get him to be proactive with the selling. Got to the point where for 2012 I just set up an account and am running my own gig.

    Not a big ebay/paypal fan but it is what it is and for the amount of eyes on one's stuff....the fee's and hassle in my eyes comes with a better return than a flea market set up or local auction house. I still use those other methods for bigger items or items that I know I have a local market for. The smalls....I run them through ebay if the research looks good on past item sales.

  6. #6
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    here is what i was thinking, for example lets say i have 1 lb gold fingers, pins etc. 5 lb mixed cpu. a couple of 80 + gig hard drives a couple of 500 gig hd , 8 sun servers v440 and v 880. servers are fully loaded with ram, cpu etc ready to fire up. I want to sell them on e bay , so i e mail photos and descriptions to the e bay guru he/she lists, handles the account and pay pal. emails me the buyers address, I pack and ship. he gets the money and takes his cut sends me the rest.

    I see where this could be a nice full time job for some one good.

  7. #7
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Never works well to BE or to USE an ebay selling assistant. The good ones charge a lot, like 40-50%, but they have to to stay in business. Look around, there are a lot of closed ebay stores like "I Sold It" and others. Generally people bring them crap to sell and are pissed off when it isn't worth a fortune.
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  8. #8
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    I was thinking totaly e scrap and working components. if the e bay seller wanted to take on something else then that is his/her choice.

  9. #9
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    One consideration will need to be the person with the Ebay/Paypay acct is going to get hit with then 1099 at the end of the year so there's plenty of book-keeping involved to show that you didn't make all that money coming in. Also with my feedback on the line and possibility of having to give refunds to disgruntled customers...not actually handling the product would be a little worrisome.
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  10. #10
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    good points. let me put that in my new note book

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  12. #11
    billygoat's Avatar
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    I think it might be better for some of us to find a trading partner. Then and again, as a seller I hate eBay with a passion. So I might be more inclined to take a little less in a trade and possibly make out about the same, since I won't have to pay listing fees, selling fees, PayPal fees, and I won't have to stand in line at the post office to ship things out.

  13. #12
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    I'm thinking PTS is going to have to start another part time business.

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  15. #13
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    PTS pretty much has jumped into that market. and danm glad that he has.

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  17. #14
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    The part I question and hope there is a way around is the shipping. If I ship my goods to the guy who runs the coop then he ships to the ebay buyer, double the shipping cost.

    I am going to ship some material to a buyer who deals on ebay. That entails double shipping but I'm selling to him low enough he can sell and make a profit.

    In the co-op if you don't ship to the manager of the co-op then you have to ship to the ebay buyer which complicates things but lowers the shipping cost.

    Interesting idea, Mike.

  18. #15
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    I would rather just box it up, ship it and wait for my check. Let someone who knows what they're doing handle the rest.

  19. #16
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    This is exactly why I started doing what I am doing. For those of you that have usefull parts that can be resold and HATE EBAY. I dont want to hijack the thread but Ill give you a little example. I buy a 512mb ram chip for $1 I turn around and sell it for $4 plus $2 shipping for a total of $6. Listing fee of $.60 final fee on average of 15% so $.90 for total fees of $1.50 So for about 3 minutes of my time to list the ram then print the label and ship it I make a whole $2.50 of the sale. Now minus the $1 I paid for it and about 30 cents worth of packing material im now at $1.20 profit. I doubled my money so I do the happy money dance. No granted this is just an example and my profit margins do go up some on the higher end stuff like 2gb ram sticks and 500gb hard drives and such but I look at it this way. If I can make more on the less common higher end stuff I can kep selling the lower end stuff. If I dont get some of the higher end stuff I might have to stop taking the low stuff.

    On a side note I would gladly buy your ram and hard drives from you Olddude for better than scrap prices

  20. #17
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    Dont worry PTS give it another year or 3 and 1& 2 gig will be the norm to just throw in the scrap pile. But im sure that your aware of the bubble you be cashing in on :-D

  21. #18
    parrothead's Avatar
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    I would be up for a private section that the e-bayers can discuss tricks and strategy. A members only kind of thing with people I know and trust. Might even involve a brand new forum that requires a recomendation from a current member.

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  23. #19
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    Great idea parrothead. I've been selling on ebay for the past 3 years and just like scrapping, there's always something new to learn.

  24. #20
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    I would be up for a private section that the e-bayers can discuss tricks and strategy. A members only kind of thing with people I know and trust. Might even involve a brand new forum that requires a recomendation from a current member.
    It wouldn't take much to create something. Simply a separate category on here, or a scrap metal section in eBay's forums.

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