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todays rant: I told you so!

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    todays rant: I told you so!

    you know, I rant about over regulation often, and many of you are turned off, a few are not.

    all of you e scrappers except for the national conglomerates had better listen to this one, and put some sort of plan together for the future, or look for something else to do.

    there are currently bills before the legislatures of 4 states 3 of them will put all of us e scrappers out of business.

    Georgia HB657, Arizona HB 2209, and Mass. S2078.

    While west Virginia, is scrapping its 0ne year old e waste bill, and returning to the land fills the other 3 afore mentioned states are about to vote on bills that would force manufacturers of e wast to create a program where by all computer and TV waste is returned to the manufacturer including all circuitry and boards.

    if these regulations pass in these states the independent e scrapper will be put out of business. and I believe they will pass and soon creep across the country, like cudzu in Georgia.

    these bills not only apply to computers and TVs but to all circuit boards , including but not limited to auto brains and any thing that contains a cercuit board washers dryers printers, et. al.

    the manufacturers won"t fight it because they would be view by todays nanny addicted public as anti environment, and they really don't pay for it in the end any way the consumer does.

    the politicians love it because it is a win win for them. On one hand they look like they are eco friendly, and the big guys with big money for contributions like Waste Management and others will love them for the monopolys they will create.

    so....still think my rants against over regulation is tin foil hat stuff?

    today they took the guy down the street away for scrapping cars but,
    I don't scrap cars so , I didn't get involved, I scrap computers.

    today they came and took away the appliance scrapper on the next block but,
    I dond't scrap washers so, I didn't want to get involved, I scrap computers

    Today they took my neighbor away for scrapping batteries, but no need for me to get involved, I scrap computers.

    Today they are here to take me away, and there is no one left to help.

    Last edited by EcoSafe; 03-06-2012 at 08:45 PM.

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  3. #2
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    I've always said follow the money. A lot of these regs have some serious money behind them. WA state just passed a bill to privatize liquoir sales and guess who spent 20 million dollars in advertising on tv for it? Costco of course, and they bragged that they would recoup their investment in 6 months without adding a single job.

  4. #3
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    sounds right glad we live in the assbackward state old dude. Plus how many people would follow those bills?

  5. #4
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    when the recovery program is passed every one will follow it, you will have no choice.

  6. #5
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    well then hope those dont pass and start a trend.

  7. #6
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Well aint that just fantastic.

  8. #7
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    it's a win win for the polatitions and big business and the beauty of it for them is, we little guys and the consumers will pay for it all, of course it will pass.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 03-06-2012 at 09:14 PM.

  9. #8
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    One more step towards to hope and change we all voted for right? Whats next a permit to buy gas?

  10. #9
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    Wow this is really bull****

    The General Assembly finds:
    (1) Televisions, computers, and printers are critical to the development of this state's economy and the promotion of the quality of life of the citizens of this state;
    (2) Many of these televisions, computers, and printers can be refurbished and reused or recycled;
    (3) Developing and implementing a system for recovering televisions, computers, and printers promotes resource conservation, public health, public safety, and economic prosperity; and
    (4) In order to carry out these purposes, the state must establish a comprehensive and convenient recovery program for televisions and computer devices based on individual manufacturer responsibility and shared responsibility among consumers, retailers, and government. The program must ensure that end-of-life televisions and computer devices are disposed of in a manner that promotes resource conservation through the development of an effective and efficient system for collection and recycling and encourage manufacturers to offer convenient collection and recycling service to consumers at no charge.

    I see what you mean the way its worded really will just put us out of work. On the bright side those with knowledge in the fields can run these centers.

  11. #10
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    So we got like a year to collect all we can and sell it off....... another reason for me to dislike the government.

  12. #11
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    Refurbish huh? I scrapped a 1983 TV yesterday. Now I really regret it because someone could have refurbished it.

    The government sucks as usual.

  13. #12
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    And so a door opens...

  14. #13
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    Olddude don't change. I for one love America, but hate the government. Why does the government pay for super Tuesday elections when its a party choice of candidate not an official office? Keeps society distracted and thinking they have a choice. Why does the media chase irrelevant and fluff stories? Appeals to the reality TV mentality of our country. Why don't third party candidates have a chance? Might lead to individual thinking in office, money and media don't want that(would also spread the bribes too thin). Why are there more lobbyists than elected officials in Washington? So everyone with money gets heard "fairly".

    I served in the Army and love America, but I am severely disappointed by the political system and financial burden my kids will have forced on them. I believe this is still the greatest Nation, but it is not as great as it could be. I believe a true Patriot should not question, but challenge the government.

    Dunemaul love the Fawkes!

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