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  1. #21
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    whats really funny is when I get home and the great dane decided to use a vacuum as a chew toy. I then have to go around the yard picking up pieces of plastic tubing.

  2. #22
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Mech, i currently have EXACTLY 666 bare tubes in my shop, and 301 full sets to break down. Doing more pickups tomorrow, my count of full sets should be up to the 1000 mark again.

    Someone mentioned URT doesnt take bare tubes. Wrong, they do, but they charge. They will take full sets for free, like you said.

    Having the mindset of "take the good stuff and leave the rest for someone else to deal with" will get you no where if you plan on having a lasting e-scrap business. You MUST take responsibility for EVERYTHING. Yea, it's a PITA, but you not only get the warm and fuzzy feeling of doing things the right way, but it also looks good for your business.

    I recommend you stay away from tv's/monitors. The way your state is set it, it doesnt look like it's profitable for you. Normally id be encouraging people to fail, because that's the only way you learn. But the way you handled the pot shots from the members above me was pretty dang good. So, find something else to scrap, save yourself and mother nature alot of grief.

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  4. #23
    thortek's Avatar
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    On a note about ABS...It's PITA too! And I have a guy that will take it. I just don't want to pay the fuel charge to drive it the 45 miles to him, and give it away.
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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  6. #24
    hobo finds's Avatar
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  7. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfw1961 View Post
    Incidentally, your ability to take the pot shots in such a well-mannered way is rather admirable.
    I was thinking the same thing. Not sure I would do as well.

  8. #26
    Johnicek started this thread.
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    Thanks for the advise and complements from everyone! I am still in the process of getting rid of the old tubes. I have found a guy that is a registered recycler that may take my tubes, and instead of paying for the service, I will also give him computer parts and other gold containing scrap to compensate for the cost. I know it's money, but it's better than paying out of pocket (my pockets are empty). I will contact a Goodwill down by my scrapyard (the local one won't take them) and see if they will accept them. Also I saw a new thread about someone buying them? I'll look into this as well! Even if I can ship them to someone for free, I'll be more than happy! Haha. I am now charging $10.00 for the disposal (this will cover the $10.00 charge from the same recycler mentioned before to take the tubes), but I am picking them up for free. I am now partnered with a local computer repair business, and I pickup his old scrap for free. I only have leftover plastic, which is cheap to get rid of, or even maybe free if I can find the right person (If anyone has contacts for this kind of stuff in WI, or a shipping program, feel free to give me a hollar!). TV's have slowed down, but I'd rather make a little money, than loose a lot of money!

    Thanks again for everyone's help, and I hope someone can learn from my experience in the future!

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