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GA Scrap Law (proposed)

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  1. #1
    Ticonderoga started this thread.
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    GA Scrap Law (proposed)

    It's already passed the Georgia Senate I think. Only issue I have with it is a check vs cash. Plus, if these "permits" are going to be free or a fee each year.

    By: GFB News
    1/26/2012 9:07:24 AM

    Two bills targeting the growing issue of metal theft have been introduced in the Georgia Senate.

    SB 296, was introduced by Sen. Josh McKoon (R-Columbus) on Jan. 12 and referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    The bill would make destruction of property valued at more than $3,000 for the purpose of obtaining a variety of nonferrous metals a felony. Destruction or mutilation of property valued at less than $3,000 would be considered a misdemeanor.

    The bill would make it illegal for metal recyclers to pay in cash for copper, aluminum or catalytic converters. SB 296 also includes a permitting provision requiring metal recyclers and individuals wanting to transport or sell nonferrous metal.

    Sen. Renee Unterman (R-Buford) held a press conference at the state capitol on Jan.19 to raise awareness of metal theft. The event included photos and samples of items that have been stolen for resale in the scrap metal market.

    On Jan. 24, Unterman introduced SB 321, a bill similar to legislation passed in South Carolina last year. It would prohibit cash payments for purchases of metal, require permits for recycling centers and persons selling regulated metals and establishes other tracking mechanisms to help law enforcement agencies combat metal theft.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Payment by check then conversion to cash is standard procedure at the yard I use.

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    "Under $3000" Misdemeanor?
    Theft of anything over like $100 or 200 is Grand Larceny where I live(felony? I think).

    They're just trying to make sure everybody bears "the mark of the beast" (gubment).
    Good for republicans, and dems want everybody on handouts so they can simply switch over to socialism...

    Atleast it will maybe make it harder for illegals to take over scrapping (as they have nearly every other labor related trade).
    (couldn't get on with a moving company past two summers because they prefer 8 five foot, 140lb., stinky workers who milk their 7.50/hour, instead of a few professionals there even. Carpentry was finished years ago. Scrapping will die similarly eventually).


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