Lots of good opinions here. Awesome that you want to continue, i could tell by yer enthusiasm and open-mindedness that you'd eventually pick it up as a nice side thing.
My opinion here, and believe me, i do mean it in the most respect way possible. I can tell yer a sweet lady with nothing but good intentions.
When looking for sources of
escrap, dont bite off more than you can chew. What i mean is, if you plan on being a part timer, only take small accounts that you can handle and not let get behind. Dont take up a big box store that has a high pickup demand. If you do that, you get behind, not only do you burn a bridge with the company, but it's the added stress for you, it makes that company have just a littttttle bit more dislike for recyclers, and, most importantly, (in my mind), it'll take a big account away from the full timers like me.
I'm sure that sounded horrible, but believe i didnt mean nothin in a rude or mean way. I have a good buddy who does the escrap on the side. He hooked up with a large account. Got under my skin because i'm a full timer and i KNOW that i can handle it and have a successful situation. He couldnt handle the demand from the company, and ended up losing the account. The company in question then decided to no longer deal with recyclers at all.
Basically just use common sense. But ya know what? I can already tell that you're very smart, with awesome intentions, so i really dont think you'll have an issue.
Good luck! Cant wait too see awesome pics from your first "whale"! Remember, their WILL be ups and downs. Always keep a steady head, a few dollars in yer pocket, and a good sense of humor. Those 3 things alone will get you out of more chit than you can get yerself into.