Here's the front & back of mine. A bit busy, I realize now, but the next batch will be better. Anyway, just having something tangible to give to people is a plus. Just yesterday & spotted a computer on the curb. Rather than just grabbing & going, I walked up & rang the doorbell, handed the guy a card & asked him to just ring me direct with his next tower. He told me his employer had a closet full of old towers just taking up space that he'd talk to them about, then he asked me if I took any other metal junk.... and led me around the side of his house where he had, among other things,
2 BRASS FIREPLACE FASCIAS!!! Probably 20-30 pounds of brass on each. Not certain of the weights yet, haven't got them broken down yet. But still.... Having a card to give out turned a $10 grab-n-go into a $200 day-maker with possibly more to come.