I feel like I need to make a statment here. We are all in business to make money, and not only that but as much money as we can, that is how we feed our families and pay our employees. That said, most of us need the help and mentorship of others along the way to success, That is the very essence of this forum.
In my opinion America as we knew it is going down the toilet rapidly. I believe one of the main reasions is the morality of doing business in America has largly gone by the way side.
there are several aspects of morality in business and inour daily lives, One of the most important , I believe is loyalty, loyalty to your family, supplying them with what they need. Loyalty to your employees and treating them as they treat you. but there is one loyalty that has suffered more then all the others. That is the loyalty to those who have helped you along the way. The Government has even forgotten this , in fact they have eliminated it all together, by over taxation, and primarily by throwning railroad tie size speed bumps on the road to success by the way of over regulation. that is all I will say on that here. it is just my opinion.
steve Jobs , held up as an American hero and Icon, for the success of Apple the top company in America, oh waite in reality it is not an American company it is a Chinese company.
We have been taught by the actions of such companies and our government that loyalty is only worth couple of pennys on the dollar.
To regain the American sperit, and the real American way, it is my opinion we must turn back, back to the days when loyalty to those who have helped you along the way are not sold out for a few pennys. There is such a thing a carma, and carma is the either the greatist friend or the most terrible bit*h it is going to be your choice which according to your own actions.
If some one helped you along the way out of their own greed, they will suffer their own carma.
As you grow your business you will be approached along the way by those who will offer you a few pennies for your loyalty you and only you must decide if it is worth it. If we are talhing a lot of pennies on the dollar then something is amiss. either your current buyer is not being fair or what ever but first discuss the situation with those who helped you build your empire. As for me loyalty can not be bought for a few pennys.
At this point I want to say E Wasted and his company and employees have gone way beyond the pale of necessity to help me along the way it will take a lot of pennys to buy that loyalty. just my .02