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  1. #21
    rca987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nealcrenshaw View Post
    You're trying to tell me you would drive to pick up the trailer drive a few miles then unload the trailer,upwards of 2000 tubes, wait to get paid if there's a line,drive the trailer back, for $16? IF so i got some work for you.
    To help a friend? Yes, in a heartbeat. Extra $16 bucks? I'm thinking about a meal that isn't on the dollar menu that day. Also, I don't think the guy is getting paid for the tubes. None the less, I would still do it. I've done more work for less. It's doesn't have to be ALWAYS about money, there is more to life than that.

    What goes around, comes around.
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  3. #22
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    I get it.

  4. #23
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    Support a vet and pay him right, we as a society must treat vets better than our government does,you won't regret it.

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  6. #24
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    considering the 200 will most likely just be for gas, i say he is loosing but he knows better than anyone what he can afford etc. I say go for it.

    I know since all the locals here lied to me about them taking them, i now charge 25 for each tv unless i am getting them part of a junk job.

    Good luck on the partnership hoss.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  7. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nealcrenshaw View Post
    You're trying to tell me you would drive to pick up the trailer drive a few miles then unload the trailer,upwards of 2000 tubes, wait to get paid if there's a line,drive the trailer back, for $16? IF so i got some work for you.

    Now dont get me wrong if you need the money then you do what you got to do. but try to negotiate a price that you could both be happy with,remeber gas costs ,food costs and housing costs are rising.
    if it takes him and hr to move and dump then thats 16 cash plus any other jobs that day.The little jobs add up quickly if you gou a steady flow on a weekly bases

  8. #26
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeyz2691 View Post
    if it takes him and hr to move and dump then thats 16 cash plus any other jobs that day.The little jobs add up quickly if you gou a steady flow on a weekly bases
    Yeah. For that amount of money my truck would stay parked. Just sayin'.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  9. #27
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    you guys are looking at it like hoss is making him do this if the guy doesnt wanna do the job he can negotiate a better price but obviously he knows if hes gonna make a profit or not. and sometimes what goes around comes around he might be breaking even or losing a little but 1 - hes getting a good referral from hoss to all of hosses friends and 2 - hes helping a friend out . good karma

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  11. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHoss View Post
    Everyday we see pretty much the same questions. Well this one is different.

    Everyone here knows that i deal with a mind numbing amount of TV's. What's ALWAYS held me back is those dang tubes. I have a proper recycler for them. But hauling them has always been the issue. If i get backed up for one week, that's almost 1000 tubes to move.

    I have a good friend that runs a company called Dont Stand Up. Basically it's an errand service. But he just today expanded to other things.

    I invited him to the shop and told him what i'm doing, asking if he could help. After a couple hours BS'ing, he said he'd give me a quote later.

    For $200 per month, he'll run as many trailer loads of tubes i can throw at him. He said he could load the trailer up, but i think it'd be nice if i did. (He's 22 years old, but he's also a Afghanistan Veteran. He has 7 confirmed kills) In my mind (a scarey place) not letting him break his back to load the trailer is kind of like a thank you. I dont know, i'm crazy.


    Does that sound good to yall? I would like your views and opinions. Good and bad. All that. We're meeting again tomorrow to finalize everything. I've already agreed. It's not a contract thing, just a month by month situation.

    If you all looked at op Hoss said that they talked for a bit and that THE FRIEND said he would give Hoss the quote. If his friend came up with terms and Hoss agreed to it what is the problem. The guy runs an errand service and expanded his business. I think it's a good deal for both in that Hoss I'd moving stuff that he can't and guy is getting foot in door to other things. I think most of us have to agree that if a deal was presented to us that was in our favor we wouldn't say " hey that sounds to cheap let me give you more". Bottom line is THE BOTTOM LINE if it works for you I say go for it. If it doesn't work out I am sure that things can be renegotiated especially if it's a friend.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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