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random appliances

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  1. #1
    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    random appliances

    Hey guys,
    a few days ago I found two large microwaves and a average sized old crt teleision set and haven't got around to doing anything with them yet, if all the metal is properly stripped and seperated ghow much money can I expect to amke off them?

    I'm a complete noob :P

  2. #2
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    The direct answer from me is I don't know.

    If you have a small postal type scale you can keep track of the #2 copper you are collecting and most the rest of the microwave is shred, $0.12/lb here.

    The old television warrents you reading some of the old threads on breaking down tv's. The can and do retain a large electrical charge that can be eliminated if you know how. There are some utube videos. I can't reccomend a video but doing it wrong can be very painful.

    I suggest you educate yourself before trearing into the tv and the magnetron in the microwave oven may have material that is hazardous. Take you time and read the old treads, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  3. #3
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    What you make depends a lot on the price your yard pays for the materials you bring them and how far you break stuff down. Your available tools and capabilities also factors in to what you net for various items. Like miked said above take the time to read the old threads, there are some things that if your not aware of them can make things painful or unpleasant. Have patience, the knowledge and skills in this business come gradually, some by reading but mostly by doing. After a while you may figure out what is more profitable for you and sometimes the only way to know is to take something apart and see whats in there for yourself. Good luck
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  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I totally agree with what was said but I'll just add that the microwaves have some big transformers in them and also a transformer on the board of the TV. Watch out for the beryllium in the microwave, it's dangerous. Read-read-read, the info is here.
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  5. #5
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    $1 to $20 depending on the non-ferrous metals in the transformer in the microwaves
    & the size of the degaussing coil in the CRT TV.

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