As the name implies, I'm an excavator.
In the winter, I also am a snow plower. As a matter of fact, I suspect I know Mick from the snowplowing boards. Hi, Mick! (Although I haven't spent much time there over the past few years. I'm pretty much burned out on plowing. I just don't enjoy talking about it like I used to. This winter though, it might be all I have to do because excavating is so slow.)
I would suggest to everyone with the time and commitment (and of course snow) to take up snow plowing! Plus, If I come across some scrap I can throw it in the back of my truck!
We used to do a medical supply place, and I'd always make a point of checking the dumpster. I picked up more than a few wheelchairs, a patient lift, and a few oxygen cylinder carts. Got lowballed out of that account last year though...