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Hello from Recyclotrops

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  1. #1
    Recyclotrops started this thread.
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    Hello from Recyclotrops

    Hello, I am newly registered to the forums, but have been a lurker for a couple of months. I mainly joined so I can sell some stuff to ewasted or easyrecycle. I've been gathering material and am almost ready to ship a load to one of them. So, I thought I would join the forum and get to know them, and others, to hopefully develop a relationship.

    I would like to start by saying thank you to the many contributors of this forum. The information that I have been able to gather from this forum has been quite helpful. The best part is that it has been free, and I can read it at my own leisure. Thank you so much for gathering and creating this valuable resource.

  2. #2
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    You're welcome. Glad to have you aboard. Our buyers here are great, their are plenty of reviews and information about them in the buyers/sellers forum.

    Hope you have a good time, and please search, and contribute!

  3. #3
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Recyclotrops, welcome! LOVE the name!
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
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    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

  4. #4
    BroJer's Avatar
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    WELCOME! Like Hoss said, there are some great buyers here on the forum.
    I am loading my truck now to make a trip to Ewasted tomorrow. I have nothing but praise for the way he has handled my many questions, is working around my schedule so he can handle my load personally when I get up there, (house full of teens does not allow me to PLAN AHEAD on anything lol) and I am looking forward to finally meeting him and his staff. I expect to give a great report here after I return, so stay tuned. If he can put up with an ole fella like me, he can work with anybody! Well, hafta be honest...looking forward to walkin away with a chunk of his change, too! ;-) BroJer

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  6. #5
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    Maybe we should start charging a join up fees....people who are on here get a kick back for sharing all of our info? =P

    just joking. But welcome to forum!
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  7. #6
    Recyclotrops started this thread.
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    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll probably give both ewasted and easyrecycle a try because of all the feedback I've read about them and because their posts are always helpful, friendly, and professional. I will likely make sure both loads are similar in content and weight, and I will just decide who I work with better for future loads.

    As far as gleaning secrets and sharing them...NEVER!!!! Although I did copy and paste one of their price lists, adjusted the prices lower and I am calling it my price list when I get calls.

    I am just getting into e-cycling because I like it better than hauling 10K pounds of steel, iron, and white goods. I am getting too old for that. Although I haven't hit a motherload yet, in the past week or so, I have been able to successfully collect 50 lbs or so of motherboards, without even really trying. I don't expect that finding material is going to be the main obstacle that I face, since there are very few people in my area buying this material, most charge to haul it away. I know in many areas finding material is a huge obstacle, and I may find it to be more difficult than I expect as I begin to tackle the task. However, I expect my biggest obstacles to be the learning curve and actually kicking myself in the pants to get the job done.

    As far as contributing, I will do my best. Here is my first attempt. Have any of you guys ever tried depopulating a motherboard like the guy in this video:
    (As a newb, I can't post links in the forum yet. So, to see the video, go to youtube and add the following after the .com part of the web address):

    Heck, one of you guys probably made that video. It seems a little dangerous, but if the technique can be perfected and it can be done safely, I was wondering if this would help separate PM bearing parts and reduce the weight shipping non-PM bearing materials, ultimately leading to better profit margins. Please accept my apologies if I should just have posted this somewhere else.
    Last edited by Recyclotrops; 06-12-2012 at 07:22 PM.

  8. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Heck, one of you guys probably made that video. It seems a little dangerous, but if the technique can be perfected and it can be done safely, I was wondering if this would help separate PM bearing parts and reduce the weight shipping non-PM bearing materials, ultimately leading to better profit margins.
    You get paid for poundage (or per pound) so why would someone take weight off the board?
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You get paid for poundage (or per pound) so why would someone take weight off the board?
    Exactly, unless you're selling to the refinery direct, and getting paid on the assay, leave as much stuff on the board as possible.

    If you're selling to the refinery, then yea, strip as much steel, plastic, etc as possible.

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