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Scrap - Afghanistan

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  1. #1
    ScrapStan started this thread.
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    Scrap - Afghanistan

    Howdy all, great resource and forum hence reason to join!

    We operate in Afghanistan and are about to embark on running a primary DRMO site that will deal with a large volume of military scrap through DLA. I am looking at getting a suitable pplasma cutting system, ideally something that can handle running up to four plasma cutters off a generator.

    Plasma tools will be a first for us as we will be using portable Petrogen units in the interim.

    For those of you who run large scale yards etc, I would be happy to get your feedback with regard to suitable systems.

    happy scrapping!

  2. #2
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Is it just me or does anybody else think that selling military scrap to Afghanistan is a bad idea?

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  4. #3
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    I watched a documentary about scrap metal in a war zone. Lucrative but hazardous.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  6. #4
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    didn't someone post a video about rouge scrappers going in the middle of the night to a live bombing range in the states or something to get scrap from what they were using for targets?

  7. #5
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    If you follow a ship that's coming back to the will see they will "lighten" the ship up by tossing a lot of things over board from tv's to guns to desks and chairs and all kinds of things....reason being...they don't want to unload it at the dock and pay the taxes and shipping it to there home or what ever.....its just easy for them to toss it and move on...just a fyi.

    all govs....are very wasteful and I am trying to work with a few key people to get alot of army scrap.
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  8. #6
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    Can you get liquid oxygen delivered on-site? I am gonna take a guess and say no. Afgan is still live like a third world country. Do you have rail access?

  9. #7
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    Hey easy i have a couple of relatives in the navy, including my sister..they do indeed toss alot overboard..mostly garbage though..they somehow bale it up n toss it overboard... i viewed her ship not too long ago when i was visiting and heard this from the docks they do have 4 different recycling bins for metal, cardboard, plastics, etc... i find it sick the gov imposes somewhat strict rules to recycling for us civilians when they are constantly tossing junk into our beautiful waters

  10. #8
    ScrapStan started this thread.
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    O2 Supply

    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Can you get liquid oxygen delivered on-site? I am gonna take a guess and say no. Afgan is still live like a third world country. Do you have rail access?
    all industrial gases are avaliable, cylinders are standard. Anything bulk will be risky. Railways dont exist.

  11. #9
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    Good grief! let him scrap that stuff, instead of it being left over there for them to someday use against us. Will 4 plasma cutters be enough?, or do you need 4400?

  12. #10
    ScrapStan started this thread.
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    thanks Bear, I am after constructive comment with this, everyone is getting distracted with side issues.
    The scrap is just that, scrap that is light ferrous up to structural steel.
    I want to use between 4 - 6 Plasma cutters.

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  14. #11
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    How many estimated tons do you have at the boneyard right now? Why use plasma cutters if you can get industrial gases? I would torch cut everything. How much a ton are you going to get for your prepared plate and HMS?

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  16. #12
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapStan View Post
    thanks Bear, I am after constructive comment with this, everyone is getting distracted with side issues.
    The scrap is just that, scrap that is light ferrous up to structural steel.
    I want to use between 4 - 6 Plasma cutters.
    Using the plasma on heavier cuts at high amperage is going to go through torch consumables at a rate that will eat up your profits, then you have to also consider the time wasted when your cutter is changing used up torch consumables.

    Plasma torch leads at 25 ft will be inconvenient also a plasma machine of commercial size will not easily be portable, an accidental severance of a torch lead is not repairable in the field like a the hoses leading to your petrogen torch. I fully agree with Piston Processing go with liquid oxygen.

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  18. #13
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    You're in pretty good company SS, Pistone is probably as good a burner as you'll find on the continent, and Gus as good a scrapper

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  20. #14
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    The one thing I am having trouble figuring out if you have seem to have zero experience at cutting up heavy equipment with armor plating on it. Why you would get into it and what would make you want to try it? I am not putting you down by any means at all but I have seen allot of people in this industry get burnt trying something that they have no business doing in the first place. Where are you going to get guys to run the plasma cutter or torches? Manganese and chrome are going to be all over the place on a vehicle or tank or humvee. How do you intend on cutting through it and separating it. Chrome and maganese are a major no no to be mixed in with plate or heavy melt. How are you going to be able to identify chemistry of the steel you are cutting with no experience. I can tell when something is not 100 percent steel when I cut it. Do you or your burners have that kind of experience to tell if something isn't right and segregate the material so you don't get rejections. Just a few questions I have carry on.

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  22. #15
    ScrapStan started this thread.
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    All valid questions indeed and appreciate the response. Perhaps the phase "military" scrap creates a misleading impression of what the type of material is that we process. We have been operating throughout the country with base removals and in some high threat areas for some time. We have a range of other equipments we utilise, I am looking for a system that can be used off a generator for multiple operator (need not be PLasma, but I need to get informed comment from operators prior to discounting the option). We will be processing daily from the site. We do have experienced torch operators, plasma not so.
    Industrial gases can be sourced, I am looking at options for efficiency, reliability etc.
    As mentioned, appreciate feedback from all

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  24. #16
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapStan View Post
    All valid questions indeed and appreciate the response. Perhaps the phase "military" scrap creates a misleading impression of what the type of material is that we process. We have been operating throughout the country with base removals and in some high threat areas for some time. We have a range of other equipments we utilise, I am looking for a system that can be used off a generator for multiple operator (need not be PLasma, but I need to get informed comment from operators prior to discounting the option). We will be processing daily from the site. We do have experienced torch operators, plasma not so.
    Industrial gases can be sourced, I am looking at options for efficiency, reliability etc.
    As mentioned, appreciate feedback from all
    Well it would help us give you better answers to your questions if you would post some pictures of the types of scrap your processing. To post pictures on this forum you have to use a host such as Photobucket, once you have uploaded the picture to the host copy the URL click on the forum picture icon in you post a new window pops up with HTTP:// insert your curser then backspace over the HTTP:// before pasting in your picture hosting URL..

    If you do not backspace out the HTTP:// in the pop up window you end up with a malformed URL that will look something like the top example, your URL should look like the bottom example.

    http:// this url no worky this url will work
    Last edited by gustavus; 06-14-2012 at 03:04 PM.

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