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Scrap - Afghanistan

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  1. #16
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapStan View Post
    All valid questions indeed and appreciate the response. Perhaps the phase "military" scrap creates a misleading impression of what the type of material is that we process. We have been operating throughout the country with base removals and in some high threat areas for some time. We have a range of other equipments we utilise, I am looking for a system that can be used off a generator for multiple operator (need not be PLasma, but I need to get informed comment from operators prior to discounting the option). We will be processing daily from the site. We do have experienced torch operators, plasma not so.
    Industrial gases can be sourced, I am looking at options for efficiency, reliability etc.
    As mentioned, appreciate feedback from all
    Well it would help us give you better answers to your questions if you would post some pictures of the types of scrap your processing. To post pictures on this forum you have to use a host such as Photobucket, once you have uploaded the picture to the host copy the URL click on the forum picture icon in you post a new window pops up with HTTP:// insert your curser then backspace over the HTTP:// before pasting in your picture hosting URL..

    If you do not backspace out the HTTP:// in the pop up window you end up with a malformed URL that will look something like the top example, your URL should look like the bottom example.

    http:// this url no worky this url will work

    Last edited by gustavus; 06-14-2012 at 12:04 PM.

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